Catholic News Headlines for Tuesday 09/06/22

A Mass was held at Our Lady of Victory Church to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Mother Teresa’s death.

Pope Francis declared Pope John Paul I first a blessed.

Students in the Diocese of Brooklyn Catholic schools have one last day of summer before they hit the books.

Legacy of St. Teresa of Calcutta Endures in the Diocese of Brooklyn

By Paula Katinas

BEDFORD-STUYVESANT — September 5th marked the 25th anniversary of the death of St. Teresa of Calcutta, but in the Diocese of Brooklyn, fond memories of the woman known simply as Mother Teresa remain.

Mother Teresa (1910-1997), founder of the religious order Missionaries of Charity, came to the diocese a number of times. In 2016, 19 years after her death, she was canonized by Pope Francis and became St. Teresa of Calcutta.

One of her visits to the diocese took place 30 years ago, in 1992, when Mother Teresa came to Our Lady of Victory Church in Bedford-Stuyvesant to dedicate Queen of Hope, a new convent-mission house for the Missionaries of Charity.

Bishop Thomas Daily, the bishop of the Brooklyn Diocese at the time, celebrated Mass at the dedication.

Located around the corner from the church, Queen of Hope is still active today with four resident sisters who help pregnant women and mothers with young children who have nowhere to turn. The sisters provide the women with a place to stay, giving them food and shelter as well as baby clothes and other necessities.

It was during that 1992 visit that Mother Teresa encountered Yvonne Samaroo, a volunteer who cooked for the sisters. Mother Teresa even bestowed a gift on Samaroo, a small medal of the Blessed Mother, a keepsake she has cherished since.

Samaroo, 85, retired a few years ago due to heart complications and no longer cooks for the sisters. However, because her Catholic faith is very important to her, she attends Mass every morning in the basement chapel at Our Lady of Victory, where she sometimes runs into the sisters.

She revels in the memory of her special meeting with the diminutive future saint, who stood just 4-foot-11 inches tall.

“It was something so remarkable because I never thought that I could meet a woman like that,” she recalled as she waited for Mass to begin on Friday, Sept. 2. “You know, she was so small, so simple. Nobody would have believed that she could have done all the things she did.”

The medal Mother Teresa gave Samaroo was deeply meaningful, she said, adding, “I really love the Blessed Mother. I pray to her every day. I say the Rosary every morning before I leave the house.”

All these years later, she still has it, explaining that she keeps it in a safe and secure place in her home.

Sister Mary Lizen, M.C., who currently serves in the Queen of Hope house, said Mother Teresa had a wonderful way of making every person she encountered feel special.

“If she was talking to you, she was looking only at you and listening to you. She wasn’t distracted by what was going on around her,” she said.

The diocese marked the 25th anniversary of Mother Teresa’s passing with a special Mass at Our Lady of Victory Church on Sept. 5 — the anniversary day.

“We all know how Mother Teresa was able to seek Christ in those whom she served, the poorest of the poor,” Bishop Robert Brennan said in his homily. “We all know how she would look into the eyes of somebody dying in the street and see Jesus himself.”

The bishop recalled meeting her many years ago at St. Agnes Cathedral in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, where he was serving at the time.

“I’ll never get out of my head the image of Mother Teresa holding up her hands reciting those lines from the Gospel. ‘You did it for me,’ ” he said.

Father Alonzo Cox, the pastor of St. Martin De Porres Parish (which includes Our Lady of Victory) said Mother Teresa definitely left her mark on the parish.

“Many of the parishioners here at that time would have remembered meeting Mother Teresa and being in her presence at Mass and then ultimately being connected to the Missionaries of Charity,” he said.

The opening of the Queen of Hope house gave parishioners the chance to volunteer and help the sisters and the mothers by cooking, cleaning, and donating baby clothes, bottles, diapers, and other items. To this day, Our Lady of Victory collects baby supplies to donate to the house.

Through the good works performed by the sisters, Mother Teresa’s presence is still felt at the church, Father Cox said.

“Since that first group of sisters came here, the Missionaries of Charity have really been such a beautiful part of the parish community here. They come to Mass every Sunday. They’re involved with different ministries within the parish. They’re a beautiful presence to the parish community here in Our Lady of Victory,” he said.

Mother Teresa came to know the diocese even before she opened Queen of Hope.

Fifty years ago, in 1972, she came to St. Matthew’s Church in East New York to serve as a guest speaker at the installation of officers of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.

Mother Teresa opened her religious order’s first convent in the diocese at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Bushwick in 1981. The convent, which houses contemplative sisters, is still active today.

Students in Uvalde Return to School After Mass Shooting in May

Student survivors in Uvalde, Texas returned to class for the first time since a mass shooting in May.

For students, parents and staff, the day was marked by grief, heartache – but also hope – as months of preparation by school staff was put to the test.

Blessed John Paul I, ‘The Smiling Pope,’ Showed God’s Goodness, Pope Says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Beatifying Blessed John Paul I, Pope Francis praised the late pope for showing the world God’s goodness and for living the Gospel without compromise.

“Our new blessed lived that way: in the joy of the Gospel, without compromises, loving to the very end,” the pope said.

“He embodied the poverty of the disciple, which is not only detachment from material goods, but also victory over the temptation to put oneself at the center, to seek one’s own glory” as he followed the example of Jesus and was “a meek and humble pastor,” he said.

The pope spoke during a homily in St. Peter’s Square at a Sept. 4 Mass attended by an estimated 25,000 people under dark skies and rain, with an occasional roll of thunder and clap of lightning.

“With a smile, Pope John Paul managed to communicate the goodness of the Lord. How beautiful is a church with a happy, serene and smiling face, a church that never closes doors, never hardens hearts, never complains or harbors resentment, does not grow angry or impatient, does not look dour or suffer nostalgia for the past,” the pope said.

“Let us pray to him, our father and our brother, and ask him to obtain for us ‘the smile of the soul’” that is “transparent, that does not deceive,” Pope Francis said. “Let us pray, in his own words, ‘Lord take me as I am, with my defects, with my shortcomings, but make me become what you want me to be.’”

During the beatification ceremony, which took place at the beginning of the Mass, an image of the new blessed was unveiled on a huge tapestry affixed to the facade of the basilica. The image was a reproduction of an oil painting, “The Smiling Pope,” created by Zhang Yan, a Chinese artist whose work combines Eastern and Western painting techniques.

The relic, carried by Lina Petri, the niece of the late pope, was a piece of paper, yellowed with age, upon which the pope had written an outline for a spiritual reflection on the three theological virtues — faith, hope and charity — the themes of three of his only four audience talks.

The materials for the reliquary, a sculpted wooden cross on top of a smooth stone, were taken from where Blessed John Paul was born and grew up in northern Italy.

In his homily, Pope Francis connected the day’s Gospel reading to the humble and Christ-centered way Blessed John Paul lived his life and to how Christians today are called to live their lives.

The pope said Jesus attracted large crowds with his teachings, but he did not exploit this popularity the way some teachers or leaders do when they see people look to them as a source of hope for the future.

“The same thing happens today, especially at times of personal or societal crisis, when we are especially prey to feelings of anger or we fear things that threaten our future. We become more susceptible and thus, on this wave of emotion, we look to those, who with skill and cunning, take advantage of the situation, profiting from society’s fears and promising to be the ‘savior’ who can solve all its problems, whereas in reality they are looking for wider approval and for greater power,” Pope Francis said.

God, he said, “does not exploit our needs or use our vulnerability for his own aggrandizement. He does not want to seduce us with deceptive promises or to distribute cheap favors; he is not interested in huge crowds. He is not obsessed with numbers; he does not seek approval; he does not idolize personal success.”

Christians should examine the reasons they follow the Lord, he said, and make sure they are not seeking: the satisfaction of their own needs; personal prestige; social status or control; power and privilege; recognition and so on.

Christians are called to love, “to be purified of our distorted ideas of God and of our self-absorption, and to love God and others, in the church and society, including those who do not think the way we do, to love even our enemies,” he said.

Christians must “love even at the cost of sacrifice, silence, misunderstanding, solitude, resistance and persecution,” he said. Because, as Blessed John Paul said, “if you want to kiss Jesus crucified, ‘you cannot help bending over the cross and letting yourself be pricked by a few thorns of the crown on the Lord’s head.’”

Among the family members and devotees who carried candles to place before the relic was Sister Margherita Marin, a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Child Mary, who assisted in the papal apartments and was one of sisters who found the deceased pope Sept. 28, 1978.

Candela Giarda, the young Argentine woman whose miracle cleared the path for Blessed John Paul’s beatification, was unable to come to Rome because of a fractured foot from playing sports. She was 11 years old when she developed a severe case of acute encephalitis, experienced uncontrollable and life-threatening brain seizures, and eventually entered septic shock.

After doctors told family members her death was “imminent,” Father Juan José Dabusti, who attended the beatification ceremony, encouraged the family, nurses and others to pray to the late pope for his intercession. In 2011, a panel of experts studying the cause determined there was no scientific explanation for her complete recovery and that it could be attributed to the late pope’s intercession.

Blessed John Paul, an Italian who was born Albino Luciani, served only 33 days as pontiff; he died just three weeks shy of his 66th birthday, shocking the world and a church that had just mourned the death of St. Paul VI.

Although his was one of the shortest papacies in history, Blessed John Paul left a lasting impression on the church that fondly remembers him as “the smiling pope.”

In his Angelus address after the Mass, Pope Francis asked everyone to pray to Our Lady, “that she may obtain the gift of peace throughout the world, especially in the martyred Ukraine.”

“May she, the first and perfect disciple of the Lord, help us to follow the example and holiness of life of John Paul I,” he said.

Currents News: Special Edition – Friday, 09/02/22

We’re looking back at the biggest stories of the summer, starting with the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade in June.

Also in June, Catholics took to the streets for the Feast of Corpus Christi.

In July, The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel attracted thousands to Williamsburg.

And in August, we celebrated the 200th anniversary of the Cathedral Basilica of St James – the first church built on Long Island.