Fighting For Life: Catholic Church Trying to Prevent Two Federal Executions

Currents News Staff

Melissa Lucio is making a last ditch effort to postpone her execution. She’s set to die next week on April 27. The first Hispanic woman on Death Row was found guilty of killing her two-year-old daughter in 2007. She insists the toddler fell down the stairs outside of the family’s home in Texas. But after a seven hour interrogation, the mother of 14 told investigators “I guess I did it, I’m responsible.”

Sabrina Van Tassel directed a documentary about the case.

“She wasn’t guilty, so she decided to answer the questions without knowing what the outcome would be,” Sabrina said. “She basically gave up – that’s what she told me.”

Bishops in Texas sent a letter to the state’s board of pardons and paroles but Gov. Greg Abbott and the District Attorney are advocating on Lucio’s behalf. They wrote:

“We are also fervently praying that clemency be granted to ms. lucio, not solely because of the church’s opposition to the death penalty and the inherent dignity of every human life, but also due to the mitigating circumstances surrounding her case.”

Meanwhile, another death penalty case in South Carolinas caught the attention of Catholic leaders. Richard Moore will be put to death by a firing squad next Friday April 29. The convicted murderer chose that option over the electric chair  after being told lethal injection drugs are not available.

In a statement, the Diocese of Charleston called the choice he had to make “modern-day barbarism” and went on to say:

“Respect for life is, and must remain, unconditional. this principle applies to all, even the perpetrators of terrible acts.”

Pope Francis has spoken out against the death penalty several times.

“However serious the crime committed may have been,” Pope Francis said, “the death penalty is inadmissible because it undermines the inviolability and dignity of the person.”

Nearly 2,000 Migrants Live in ‘Tent City’ as U.S. Border Agents Prepare for Huge Increase

Currents News Staff

Families are running to see if they can get on the bus. Why? They are desperate to get out of this tent city. But they’re told they can only get on the bus and go to the shelter.

Nearly 2,000 migrants who have been expelled after trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border now live in this giant tent city in Reynosa, Mexico.

They’re all waiting for Title 42 to be dropped so that they can again attempt to cross and ask for asylum. They come from Central America: Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador,  but also Haiti, Brazil, Venezuela, and beyond.

A record number of migrants are crossing the border and now border patrol and other agents are preparing for a huge increase once Title 42 is dropped just next month.

The New Offensive: Russia Intensifies Attacks in Mariupol

Currents News Staff

Mariupol is taking its last stand.

“We might have only a few days, or even hours, left,” said Maj. Serhii Volyna, commander of Ukraine’s 36th Separate Marine Brigade.

The southern port city is besieged as Russian forces move forward. While thousands of residents seek shelter, the Ukrainian army is pleading for help as they continue to resist Russian attacks.

The enemy’s units are ten times larger than ours. We appeal to the world leaders to help us,” said Maj. Serhii.

The mayor of Mariupol asked residents to evacuate the city Wednesday. In the meantime, a route is being set up near a steel factory where thousands of civilians and Ukrainian soldiers are believed to be taking shelter.

A Ukrainian military commander says strikes by Russian aviation and heavy artillery are continuing.

“The Mariupol military garrison has over 500 wounded soldiers and hundreds of civilians among whom there are children and women,” Maj. Serhii said.

While it’s still early in Russia’s shift toward an offensive in the Donbas region, two senior U.S. officials say there has been no major territorial gains for Russia so far. Still, pressure is mounting on the U.S. and NATO to provide additional military assistance and help with evacuations.

“The Ukrainians have been trying for a number of days to negotiate safe passage for civilians and for wounded fighters,” said Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. “There was some hope earlier this morning that the russians might allow that, there will be nato allies involved in that is my understanding.”

Pope Francis Rides Popemobile Through General Audience for First Time In Over Two Years

Currents News Staff

For the first time in over two years, Pope Francis rode through the crowd in St. Peter’s Square on the popemobile to begin his Wednesday audience. The Holy Father continued his series of catechesis on the value of old age and the elderly, and explained how the fourth commandment, “honor your father and your mother” extends not only to family, but to all people from older generations.

He expressed his disappointment in today’s youth culture which disregards the value of elderly people, and referred to an instance in Italy of kids who lit an elderly homeless man’s blanket on fire.

“These kids who burned the covers of a homeless person are the tip of the iceberg,” Pope Francis said, “of the contempt for one’s life that is far from the ways of youth and seems like a waste of life, waste is the key word here. To disregard the elderly is to discard their lives, to put them apart, throw them down.”

The pontiff then urged parents to bring their children close to the elderly people in their lives to combat the culture of waste.

“Please, bring your kids, young children, close to the elderly, always bring them close,” the Holy Father said. “And when the elderly person is ill, or can’t think right, keep bringing them close, so that they may know that this is our flesh, this has made it possible for us to be here. Please do not keep the elderly far away.”

Pope Francis then greeted various groups of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square, and thanked those from Poland for welcoming Ukrainian refugees into their homes. He then delivered his blessing while surrounded by Easter flowers.

Catholic News Headlines for Tuesday, 4/19/22

You can lose the mask if you’re taking a flight, but make sure you have it handy if you’re on the subway.

There’s a migrant surge at the southern border, one month before the U.S. plans to lift a public health order that turned away asylum seekers.

Officials on both sides say they’re entering a new phase of the war in Ukraine. 

We have the body cam video of police officers in Indianapolis who saved a mom and her toddlers.

Children’s Hospital Hides Playful Cutout at Construction Site of ‘Where’s Waldo’

Currents News Staff

A new face has made an appearance at Carilion’s Crystal Spring Tower Construction Site. Josh Young has brought the ‘Where’s Waldo’ stories to life.

“To try to do something unique, something to brighten their day,” Josh said. “So we came up with the idea to take a cut out of Waldo. Everybody knows the children’s story, Waldo. So we take him each day and put them in a new spot somewhere on the site, so the kids have something to look forward to.”

The site is right below Carilion Children’s hospital, giving patients and staff the perfect view to ask ‘Where’s Waldo?’

“And I literally just got this, like little spark of joy,” said staff member Kathleen Boone. “Um, and this really like fun moment.”

Carilion life specialist Kathleen Boone says its important to bring joy and play to pediatric patients and Waldo is doing just that.

“I can imagine that’s what the children are feeling as well,” Kathleen said. “Just a fun surprise and something that they weren’t expected and something that brings them joy, which is really important to have those pockets of joy I think here because it can be really difficult.”

Each day, you can find the eight-foot-tall Waldo cutout hiding in a different spot at the construction site.

“Just to brighten the day over there with the community and the patients and the staff,” Josh said, “and had guys lined up. So they enjoy every single morning the first thing they do when they show up is find a new place for Waldo.”

The crew has big plans to keep people asking, ‘Where’s Waldo?’

Indianapolis Officers Come to the Rescue and Save Family From Apartment Fire

Currents News Staff

It was Monday morning on April 11 when an Indianapolis apartment building caught fire.

“A lot of times fire has things under control when we get there,” said Police Officer Aaron Laird, “so my first thought was let’s get everyone out of adjacent buildings and get everyone safe.”

As people evacuated the building, officers found a woman and her two children trapped on the second floor. The officers acted immediately putting together a plan of action.

“By the time I had arrived around back,” said Officer Aaron, “I hear Officer Carroll say, ‘can you toss them down to us?’ and ask their ages to see if we were going to be able to catch them or not.”

IMPD Officers Laird, Hupp, and Carroll positioned themselves under the window as the mother dropped her children to safety.

“At that point it was any means to keep them safe,” Office Aaron said, “even if that meant it injured one of us –  all that mattered was keeping them safe at that point.”

The mother then was able to jump from the building where officers caught her. All three got out safely.

“We genuinely want to help people when they are in need,” said Officer Aaron, “and whether they are in need for that, or their out of gas, or they’ve been in a car accident. A lot of times when police are called or anyone calls 911, it’s on the worst day of their life, and we have to remember that.”

Officers say it was the quick thinking by everyone that made sure the family is together and safe.

How One Ukrainian Family Escapes to Poland Only After Being Smuggled Into the Country

Currents News Staff

Mila Turchyn does not trust the man she is about to meet. That’s because he’s a smuggler. 

She’s anxious looking for her mom and sister, hoping they arrived. She meets her sister Vita and a moment of brief joy occurs. 

But there’s no time to hug her mom because the smuggler wants to be paid now. It costs $500 U.S. Dollars for the pair, which is much more than most families can afford who are fleeing war. Getting to safety is dangerous. 

This is the story of one family’s escape into Russia after its troops bombed and occupied their city. They are from Izium, a city under siege. 

“Somebody saw that a missile actually hit my backyard and I was crying so much…” Mila said. “I don’t know maybe, they are dead already there.”

She finally got a call, but it wasn’t from Izium.

“I heard them for the first time after a whole month,” Mila said. “I was so torn. I was happy they are alive. But I was terrified they were in Russia. And I don’t know, should I be happy? Or should I be sad?”

Mila’s only option, she says, was to hire a smuggler to drive her family from Russia to safety here in Poland.

Now they’re reunited, but how did the victims of Putin’s war end up in Russia? Desperate to flee, they said they could only find one way out by a private driver offered a ride to the Russian border.

“They were more afraid to stay where they were because it was hell and they needed to go somewhere to escape that,” Mila said of her family.

Thousands of Ukrainians have faced the same. Many say they had no choice – it was go to Russia or die.

As of last week, Russian officials claimed that more than 674,000 Ukrainians have been relocated to Russia.

Flying Mask Free: MTA Keeps Mandate While NYC Mayor Keeps Options Open

Currents News Staff

Passengers erupted in applause on a Southwest Airlines airplane after finding out a federal judge overturned the White House’s mask mandate for planes and other public transportation.

“It’s official on Southwest Airlines, yay no more masks wooooo!”

A flight attendant on the plane walked through the aisle so travelers could throw out their masks. It’s optional now. But some at LaGuardia airport in New York say they’ll keep their faces covered.

“Even in traveling here and being in downtown in New York,” said one passenger, “and everybody not wearing, able to not wear masks and things, I felt much more comfortable keeping mine on.”

Don’t get too comfortable without a mask because you’ll still need it underground. The MTA is keeping its mandate in place. As for the city as a whole, Mayor Eric Adams says we’re not there yet.

“We are advising New Yorkers to wear a mask but we’re not at the point of mandate right now,” said Mayor Adams. “Our hospitalizations are at a steady level, deaths at a steady level.”

The mayor says he’s willing to pivot and will consider bringing back masks in schools and they Key to NYC program if his health team recommends it. He agrees with Gov. Kathy Hochul when it comes to keeping the Big Apple open.

“We need healthy bodies,” he said, “healthy minds and healthy economy – they all go together.”

Across the Country Mask Mandates Face Opposition

Currents News Staff

There’s been a ruling on the Biden Administration’s nationwide mask mandate when it comes to planes and public transportation. It was handed down by a U.S. district judge in Florida who said the mandate was unlawful, that the CDC exceeded its statutory authority and its implementation violated administrative law.

“This is obviously a disappointing decision,” said Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary. “The CDC continues recommending wearing a mask in public transit.”

Right now, the ruling has the effect of invalidating the regulation. The Justice Department can request an emergency order to keep mask rules in place while an appeal is underway.

Just last week, the CDC extended its mask mandate on public transportation through May 3.

“I certainly hope this is the last extension,” said Ed Bastian, CEO of Delta Airlines, “and we’re all hoping come May 3 that the mandate expires and the government now puts it on individuals to make their own decisions about how they care and protect themselves from any kind of health risk rather than the government mandating it.”

This comes as a group of business owners and residents have now filed a joint lawsuit against the city of Philadelphia after becoming the first major U.S. city to reinstate its indoor mask mandate.

“I want to see the state commonwealth court strike down this mandate as a violation of Pennsylvania law,” said Attorney Thomas W. King III.