Pope Francis Makes First Public Comments About Tensions Between Nicaraguan Government and the Church

Currents News Staff

Churchgoers in Nicaragua are praying for the health and the well-being of Msgr. Rolando Alvarez. The bishop of Matagalpa in Nicaragua who has been taken into custody on Friday, after an almost two-week standoff with the Nicaraguan police.

These protesters are part of the Nicaraguan diaspora in Costa Rica, where thousands of Nicaraguans live, fleeing the repressive government of Daniel Ortega. Police did not specify the reason behind the arrest of Monsignor Alvarez, who had been protesting the closure of a Catholic radio station in recent weeks.

However, on Friday, the wife of Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo said that the arrest was made necessary because the church had failed to provide information to the police in an ongoing investigation.

Concerns over the situation in Nicaragua were shared around the world and even Pope Francis urged authorities to use dialogue to resolve conflict, in the country at his Sunday Angelus address in Rome.

Catholic News Headlines for Friday, 08/19/22

The annual feast of Santa Rosalia kicked off last night in Bensonhurst and continues through next Sunday.

We’ll take another look back on the big celebration at the Cathedral Basilica of St James. A Mass for the church’s 200th anniversary was held Sunday.

More buses filled with migrants from the southern border arrived this morning at Port Authority.

With school starting in just a couple of weeks, there is a teacher shortage across the country.

Underinsured Kentucky Flooding Victims Continue to Seek Help at Recovery Centers

After the historic floods in Kentucky, there clean-up efforts have been underway. Now residents are moving towards the second phase of this destruction, long term care.

That’s going to be a problem for most of the state.

Only about one percent of properties in the hardest hit counties of the state have federal flood insurance.

Homeowner insurance policies do not cover flood damage.

National Correspondent for The Tablet and Crux, John Lavenburg, is on the ground in Kentucky at a recovery center that opened up at a community college. He joins Currents News with the latest.

Catholic News Headlines for Thursday, 08/18/22

It’s back to school time, but not so fast. The students will be there – but what about the teachers?

Mayor Eric Adams picks up a sledgehammer as he announces big changes to New York City’s outdoor dining policy.

How a seafood restaurant owner added another title to his resume: wrangler.

School Districts In New York Are Facing Teacher Shortages

We’ve seen shortages for the past two years. Everything from supply chain problems to pilots.

But now we are dealing with one of a different kind. One that will severely affect the children throughout New York City as they head back to school.

It’s not a lack of paper and pencils – we’re talking about teachers. It’s always been an issue, but now it’s worse than ever and the clock is ticking.

Some Victims of the Flooding in Kentucky are Living in Tents Next to Their Destroyed Homes

Currents News Staff

It’s been weeks since the storm – but there’s still widespread devastation as flooding victims in Kentucky try to piece their lives back together.

The Catholic Church is rolling out donated relief items to help those who need essential items like food and clothing.

National Correspondent for The Tablet and Crux, John Lavenburg, is on the ground in Kentucky and he joins Currents News to discuss what living conditions are like there now.

Catholic News Headlines for Wednesday, 08/17/22

Huge piles of debris remain in Kentucky, weeks after deadly floods ravaged parts of the state. A massive clean-up is underway and Catholic Charities is there to help.

Texas is continuing to load migrants from the southern border onto buses which are then sent to other states.

Good news for those with mild to moderate hearing problems – hearing aids will soon be available over the counter.