Catholic News Headlines for Friday 11/11/22

Now on Currents News, a special salute.

The heroes of our nation- putting civilians first – serving our country and protecting our rights. They thought their job was done. But now veterans are being recruited for yet another mission.

It’s what kept him going after the war. He traded Army boots for running shoes and never stopped. A Vietnam soldier’s 43rd marathon.

Taking warriors to Lourdes – the Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a pilgrimage like no other.

Catholic News Headlines for Thursday 11/10/22

Police have arrested a man who they believe threw a wrench at the residence of Cardinal Timothy Dolan on the grounds of St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

A different kind of girl code is happening at Visitation Academy in Bay Ridge.

Currents News is saluting those who have served as we prepare for Veterans Day on Friday.

Cafe Con Cristo: No seas tan olvidadizo

¿Por qué será que no olvidamos lo que queremos olvidar y nos cuesta retener lo que verdaderamente es importante? En este episodio de Café con Cristo haremos un recuento de todo lo aprendido en esta temporada y al final te daremos un examen para saber cuánto pudiste retener. No te preocupes, no reprobarás. Créelo.

Cafe Con Cristo: Los planes de Dios son mejores que los tuyos.

“Me imagino que tienes planes para tu vida y que deseas con todo tu corazón lograrlos, ¿pero sabías que los planes de Dios son mejores que los tuyos? ¿Sabes cuántas promesas hay en la palabra de Dios para ti y tu familia? ¡¿no?! Hoy lo descubrirás y tu vida cambiará para siempre. Créelo.”

Catholic News Headlines for Wednesday 11/9/22

Election Day has come and gone but votes are still being counted.

It was a pro-life defeat at the polls as voters in several states showed support for abortion.

Dioceses in Florida are preparing for the next major storm.

Diocese of Brooklyn Rosary Rally 2022

Filmed at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston, New York, students across several grade levels gathered with Bishop Robert Brennan to pray the Rosary in their native languages. Students from Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Academy prayed the Rosary in English; Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Academy students prayed in Spanish; Students from Saints Joachim & Anne School recited the Rosary in Creole; St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy (Queens) students prayed in Polish, and St. Michael’s Catholic Academy students prayed in Mandarin.

Young Voters Yield Power in New York Gubernatorial Race

By Jessica Easthope

Crime, inflation, abortion – these are some of the issues among young voters and experts say they’re the ones to make or break the election of New York’s next governor.

This flurry of issues are the things that concern them most, so who has what it takes to make their future and the future of New York better?

“Crime is number one for me,” said St. John’s University junior Alexa Salerno. “I had an internship over the summer and I was commuting back and forth from the city and I never felt safe, I was downtown going back and forth to City Hall and I never felt safe.”

Alexa is a registered democrat, but Lee Zeldin has her vote, his tough on crime policies are what matters most to her.

“Zeldin has a really fresh perspective that New York needs, “she said. “I think it’s going to be very close but I think Zeldin’s going to win, I don’t know many people voting for Hochul, I think she’s had her time in office and it showed through in the debate what she’s gotten done and what she lacks.”

Alexa’s not unique in her class of St. John’s students, senior Brian Lakhtarnik is also crossing party lines to cast his first ever vote.

“People like me we’re in the middle of both spectrums, there’s a middle ground, people like me, my generation supports both sides so it’s hard to stick to a party on their agendas,” he said.

At this age, the students in this class make up one-third of the country’s electorate – a power their professor, political analyst Brian Browne says will be impacting this and future elections in a big way.

“Young people are very fluid, you really need strong personalities to appeal to them and that’s hard to find, young voters are impatient, they want things done right away but politics turn slowly,” Browne said.

A record-breaking number of young voters have turned out to the polls during the last two elections, so all trends point to 18 to 29-year-olds pulling their influence again. But these young adults are voting for the person – not the party.

They’re also thinking more critically ahead of casting their ballots. Browne says when it comes to counting ballots – you can’t count them out.

“They’re also sophisticated voters and they have breadth and expanse on different issues and ideas and what most struck me about today was the concern about the future of our democracy but what do they do with that and their power to vote,” he said.

As they turn away from party politics and embrace their individuality – young voters are making for what could be a big surprise in New York’s tight gubernatorial race. Polls close at 9 p.m.