By Jessica Easthope
When you step foot into the halls of The Mary Louis Academy (TMLA) as a ninth grader, you’re made a promise that you too could one day make history. Now young women have the opportunity to blaze their trails a bit earlier in life since The Mary Louis Academy Middle School is set to open in September.
“How are we best preparing young women at the age of ten and bringing them all the way through college, into their professional lives and careers,” the school’s president, Livia Angiolillo, told Currents News.
Angiolillo says all are welcome and all will be given a head start on preparing for college and a chance to thrive.
“I was fully prepared for college ,graduate school, law school, and now leading the Mary Louis Academy. That is entirely because I went to an all-girls Catholic school. I was fully empowered,” she said.
The school offers an array of athletic, extra-curricular and academic opportunities, early access to Regents exams, college credits, and a pass on the Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools or TACHS. Girls who attend the middle school will be able to stay at TMLA.
Freshman Liz Frandy says her first few months at the school have already exceeded her expectations.
“There’s a really strong sense of sisterhood, everyone’s just so lovely and everyone’s just so eager to make friends,” she told Currents News.
Next year her sister, Charlotte, will join in on that bond as a seventh grader.
“She definitely is going to have a leg up over the competition,” said Frandy. “If I already knew the grounds and I knew the people, the school from middle school, I think I would have excelled even more.”
Acting director of advancement Liz McGlinchey describes her 13-year-old self as quiet and shy, but upon graduation from The Mary Louis Academy in 2003, her confidence took the lead.
“I found my voice, found my personality in an all-girls environment that is really supportive of that growth and development,” McGlinchey said.
She is thrilled to give her 10-year-old daughter, Amber, the same opportunity to blossom. Next school year Amber will be one of the projected 75 sixth, seventh, and eighth graders to walk the halls.
“With the curriculum we’re going to have in place for the middle school, I think that she is going to be leaps and bounds ahead of some of her peers,” she said.
Rolling admission for The Mary Louis Academy Middle School is now open. To apply, visit