Catholic News Headlines for Tuesday 4/16/2024

To make everyone feel welcome, the Diocese of Brooklyn Eucharistic Revival organizers are offering an app to participants. The app will translate five languages in real-time during the Saturday, April 20 celebration.

Leading the prayers during the diocesan revival on Saturday will be none other than Brooklyn Bishop Robert Brennan, a testament to the event’s significance and the Bishop’s leadership.

The All-Volunteer Choir will lead the faithful in song at the diocese’s Eucharistic Revival. The ensemble includes parishioners from across Brooklyn and Queens, representing the many cultures of the diocese of immigrants.

We’ll have the story of a couple celebrating 60 years of marriage. They got the best anniversary gift, and they met the Pope.

FDNY Rules Easter Sunday Fire in Bushwick Was Accidental

The FDNY has deemed the Easter Sunday fire at Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii accidental. Investigators said a hot object and hot embers sparked the five-alarm fire at the Bushwick parish.

About 150 parishioners were at 1 p.m. Spanish language mass on Easter Sunday when smoke filled the church. They quickly evacuated, and more than 200 firefighters responded to the scene. While no one was seriously injured, the rectory and parish center were destroyed.

In a statement, Bishop Robert Brennan said he was grateful the FDNY prevented any further tragedy.

For now, the faithful of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii are attending Mass at their sister church, All Saints.

Bishop Brennan says the property lost to the fire has been safely secured and is pending demolition.

Father Gibino: Diocesan Eucharistic Revival Will Be “Experience of a Lifetime”

The Diocese of Brooklyn Eucharistic Revival, which will be held on Saturday, Apr. 20, has undergone much planning for the highly anticipated celebration.

Father Joseph Gibino, vicar for evangelization and catechesis for the Diocese of Brooklyn, is helping to lead the preparation for the revival. He joins Currents News to discuss how much planning has gone into the revival.

Burglary Suspect Who Disguised Himself as a Priest Arrested in California

An imposter priest who fooled people into accessing churches and rectories in Brooklyn and beyond has been caught. Police in Riverside, California, arrested the man, saying he’s been victimizing churches across the country.

While he claimed to be ‘Father Martin’ at those parishes, police have identified him as 45-year-old Malin Rostas, a New York resident.

His modus operandi was to pose as ‘Father Martin’ at various parishes. This ruse allowed him to enter the American Martyrs rectory in Bayside last March, where he allegedly made off with $900.

Rostas was caught last Wednesday when police said they recognized the vehicle connected to the robberies. They said, before his arrest, he had just tried to steal from another local church.

Cardinal Dolan “Safe And Secure” After Taking Shelter From Missile Attack During Trip To Israel

New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan says he is “safe and secure” after a missile attack during his mission trip to the Holy Land.

His Eminence arrived in Israel last Friday. As the chair of the Papal Agency, the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, or CNEWA, he’s visiting different religious representatives and checking on current humanitarian efforts.

While in Bethlehem over the weekend, Cardinal Dolan says he had to take shelter when Iran launched more than 300 ballistic missiles and drones against Israeli targets.

A spokesperson for the Archdiocese of New York says Cardinal Dolan will continue with his planned schedule. He’ll leave the Holy Land on Thursday, Apr. 16.

Pilgrims from Three Queens Parishes Prepare to Walk to Diocese of Brooklyn’s Eucharistic Revival

Joy Uy is preparing her heart and walking shoes to experience Christ like never before.

“I actually dreamt of having to have something like this as a diocese before,” said Uy. “And I just realized that now that it’s about to happen without me doing anything about it. But just by the Providence of God.”

Uy will join more than 2,000 others on the streets of Queens on April 20 as they walk to the Diocese of Brooklyn’s Eucharistic Revival.

She will be on the pilgrimage with Our Lady of Sorrows, where she teaches social studies and religion. She’s leading her students toward a deeper relationship with Christ in class.

“I show them some videos about Eucharistic miracles and just always constantly remind them that it’s really the presence of God that was really present there with us, for us,” Uy said.

St Leo’s and St. Michael’s will also be walking, meeting Our Lady of Sorrows along the way. Pastor Fr. Manuel de Jesus Rodriguez says this is a chance for renewal.

“And in this time of Easter, it’s kind of a motivation to continue living out the values of our Catholic faith, especially centered in the Eucharist, as that’s the core of our spiritual life,” said Fr. Manuel.

The National Eucharistic Revival, launched by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, is a response to a 2019 Pew Research poll showing that only 31 percent of American Catholics believe in Jesus’s real presence in the Eucharist.

“Remember that we are living in times of disbelief, so this is an opportunity for us to really boost this essential dimension of our faith,” said Fr. Manuel.

On April 20, these pilgrims won’t be able to hide their feelings about their faith.

“We are here showing up for Jesus, not afraid and not ashamed of our faith of who we are,” said Uy.

Catholic News Headlines for Monday 4/15/2024

Rain or shine, thousands of pilgrims will attend the Diocese of Brooklyn’s Eucharistic Revival on April 20. The parishes of Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Leo’s, and St. Michael’s will begin their pilgrimage early Saturday morning to Louis Armstrong Stadium. Learn more about the revival celebration and how to get your free tickets.

New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan says he is “safe and sound” after surviving missile fire during his mission trip to the Holy Land. Cardinal Dolan is visiting Israel amid the unrest, meeting with religious representatives, and observing ongoing humanitarian efforts.

The suspected imposter priest is in custody after being arrested in California. Malin Rostas, also known as the self-identified “Father Martin,” allegedly posed as a visiting priest last month, stealing $900 from a Bayside church.

Five years later, the Cathedral of Notre Dame is almost complete. Officials say that they are on track to reopen in December. Check out this timeline for the project as the cathedral rises from the ashes.

Young Girl Asks Pope Francis How to Pray and Thank God in Difficult Moments of Life

The Pope’s signature white Fiat 500 made a surprise visit to the Church of St. John Mary Vianney in the suburbs of Rome. Pope Francis greeted a group of 200 children with high fives.

This visit was the first of the Pope’s “School of Prayer” initiative as part of the Year of Prayer leading up to the Jubilee. All of the children are part of catechism groups preparing for their First Communion.

Pope Francis began their meeting by joking with the children.

The Pope then took about an hour answering a number of the children’s questions. He gave a short catechesis on three phrases that deal with relationships with others: thank you, may I and excuse me.

Reflecting on thanking and praying to God, one young girl asked Pope Francis a difficult question.

Another child asked the Pope how he personally thanked God after being elected to the papacy. And he responded with a joke.

At the end of the meeting, the parish hall was filled with the sounds of the children singing.

These visits for the School of Prayer initiative connect the upcoming Jubilee of 2025 with Pope Francis’ Jubilee of Mercy in 2016. That year the Pope also made surprise visits to people living on the outskirts and those facing difficulties.

Immigrant Working for Catholic Charities Now Assists Newly-Arrived Migrants

by Katie Vasquez

Every day Jahzeela Aguilar heads to this Catholic Charities of New York satellite office, which is connected to St. Teresa Church on the Lower East Side.

The mom of twins helps the newly arrived as they get settled in the United States, offering them guidance that ranges from finding the right legal services to figuring out the subway system.

Not long ago, Aguilar was one of them.

“I had to help them, to give them all the resources, since they have to start from scratch,” Aguilar said.

She arrived from Peru in January 2023 with her husband and children.

Aguilar said her political views endangered the life of her family.

“Threats begin to come to me and they mention my mother, they call me a traitor to the people,” Aguilar said.

All her belongings were sold within 10 days and they made the treacherous trip north.

As a devout Catholic, she believes God walked with her along the way.

“God has manifested himself in that journey, in this change that we have had in our lives,” Aguilar said. “He has manifested himself in many beautiful ways and I have had, I have had immediate responses.”

Life in a new country was not easy, Aguilar had to stay in two New York City shelters, but she leaned into her faith and was able to find an apartment in Yonkers.

“There was a lot of excitement, a lot of joy, because we felt that we were taking another step,” Aguilar said.

Also helping Aguilar along the way was Catholic Charities.

As she became more knowledgeable in how to navigate life as a new arrival, she found she could assist others making a similar journey.

Catholic Charities asked her to volunteer, knowing her expertise goes beyond the immigration system.

“It is amazing because she has the empathy to understand what they have been through,” said Luisa Fernanda Sandoval Cortes, senior case manager at Catholic Charities Community Services. “She knows how it is to cross the border. She knows how to be in those places.”

Aguilar hopes to receive her work permit soon, and she wants to continue volunteering, a role that has brought her joy.

“For me, it’s not just a job, as I say it’s my reason for living,” Aguilar said.

Bishop Brennan Joins Hosts to Talk About Sacred Mysteries in New Web Series

As Bishop Robert Brennan prepares for the Diocese of Brooklyn’s upcoming Eucharistic Revival, he’s taking some time to speak about the national campaign in a new web series.

It’s called “Beautiful Light: A Paschal Mystagogy.” Each week of the Easter season, seven different bishops are diving into the sacred mysteries of the Mass.

The latest episode, which went live on Thursday, April 11, will feature Bishop Brennan.

We spoke to the co-host of the series, Sister Alicia Torres, who says Bishop Brennan has shown constant encouragement for the campaign.

You can watch it on the National Eucharistic Revival’s Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube pages.