Queens Resident Prepares to Embark on Historic National Eucharistic Congress Pilgrimage this Summer

Thousands of faithful will now look forward to the National Eucharistic Congress in July in Indianapolis. This monumental event marks the first National Eucharistic Congress in 83 years, a rarity that adds to its allure. Around 80,000 people are expected to attend the historic event, which promises to be a Catholic experience unlike any other. 

Starting on July 17, the 5-day event centered in Indianapolis’ Lucas Oil Stadium will feature masses, processions, and plenty of opportunities for Catechesis.

Pilgrims from across the country will embark on a journey of 6,500 miles in the 60 days leading up to the congress. To reach Indianapolis, they’ll traverse one of four distinct routes, each starting from a different corner of the country and passing through 65 dioceses. This diverse pilgrimage, united by the presence of the Eucharist, is a testament to the widespread devotion and anticipation for the congress. 

The Elizabeth Ann Seton route will come right through the Diocese of Brooklyn. The pilgrimage with the Pentecost Vigil will begin in New Haven, Connecticut, on May 18. The pilgrims will travel 10 to 15 miles daily for 975 miles through nine states.

New York City resident Zoe Dongas will be making that trek. She joined Currents News to discuss her pilgrimage.

Relive Bishop Robert Brennan’s Homily from the Eucharistic Revival

Looking out at all of us gathered here this day, I can’t help but think of a prayer in the earlier English translation of the Roman Missal: “How wonderful are the works of the Spirit revealed in so many gifts, yet how marvelous is the unity the Spirit creates from this diversity as he dwells in the hearts of your children filling the world with his presence.” The Holy Spirit is here today! You are here. The world is here! Thank you for your presence. You are VERY VERY welcome.

Allow me to give a special welcome to our neophytes — those who were baptized this Easter. We are not only glad you are here today, but we are thrilled that you are part of the family. We are inspired by your embrace of the faith. You remind us of the precious gift that is ours through faith. We love you, our newest brothers and sisters!

Bread of Life

We just heard one of the saddest lines in the Bible: “As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer walked with him” (Jn. 6:66). Wow, that hurts. But, you know what is really sad about this statement? We are  not talking about a hostile crowd. These were not people out to trip him up. To a certain extent they were believers, or at least they wanted to know more about Jesus.

These verses come at the end of the sixth chapter of John’s Gospel, a portion of the Gospel known as “The Bread of Life Discourse.” You know the story. It begins with the feeding of the multitude. “A large crowd” of people followed him and were hanging on his every word. As he begins to speak of himself as the bread from heaven, the bread of life, they begin to become more and more uncomfortable. “How can he give us his flesh to eat?” they ask. Jesus doubles down, “Let me solemnly assure you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. He who feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has life eternal and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. The man who feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him” (Jn. 6:52-56).

So here we have it; people who are keenly interested in what Jesus is teaching, people who might even want to follow him and his Gospel, but because of the teaching on the Bread of Life decide to walk away. This is sad indeed.

But notice what Jesus doesn’t do. He doesn’t run after them. He doesn’t say, “Wait — I didn’t mean it so literally; wait — I am just using images.” I guess Jesus means what he says.

Now, this saddest of lines, that many walked away from, is followed by one of the most profound exchanges. Jesus turns to the Twelve and asks, “Do you want to leave me too?” And Simon Peter responds for all of them, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God” (cf. John 6:67-69).

Wow, thank God Peter and the apostles stayed. They hand on to us the gift that Jesus would give to them.

Why did they stay? After all, Peter and the apostles must have been as confused — perhaps even horrified — as everyone else in the crowd.

Well, in the end it is all about a relationship of trust. Peter doesn’t say, “Of course, Jesus we understand completely.” No, I don’t think they understood at all. Rather, he and the others heard Jesus’ teaching not just that day but over a period of time. They had seen Jesus’ works. They encountered him personally. They spent time with him, lots of time. They heard his words, but more than his words; the conviction in them, the authority in them, the tender mercy in them. “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” We may not get it, but we know you and we trust you.

Friends, this is our story. There are many mysteries in life. Yes, there are many struggles along the way. We have many questions we might want to ask the Lord. We might have moments of doubt and we can grow discouraged by the doubt of others or by seeing believers walking away. But like Peter, we know that we want to stick with Jesus. We know that we need him. We love him.

You are here today because you love Jesus. Am I right?

And so with Peter we say, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.”

The encounter with Christ

Here is the first step in Eucharistic Revival. Before we can speak about belief in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we must have that real encounter with Jesus. It is necessary to believe he exists, that he lives even today and that he is concerned for me. We need to know him, not simply to know about him but really to know him, to love him, and see him as relevant to our lives.

What do I mean?

The name of Jesus is certainly one of the most well known in all the world. Many know about him. One can know Jesus and reject him. One can know him as a figure in history, perhaps even a great person worthy of imitation. It is even possible to accept him as having risen from the dead, but now in some sort of disinterested, distant state — nice, but irrelevant. On the other hand, there is a big tendency to see Jesus as a figure of my own creation. It sounds harsh but to make him out to be an imaginary friend; there when I need him, silent when I don’t, saying exactly what I want to hear and not saying what I don’t want to hear.

I ask you; how can you believe in the real presence in the Eucharist of someone whom you don’t believe really exists as a living person in his own right?  How do you believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist if he is only a product of your own mind? Friends, this is the real crisis of faith and this is what needs to be addressed. This ultimately is our mission, to know and love the risen Lord Jesus Christ — and to bear witness to him that others may know him — and know him as he truly is. Through our faith and our joy we might bring others to desire to know him, to love him, to be loved by him. Friends, we gather this day really to renew our own encounter with Jesus Christ. It is more prevalent than you might think.

At the beginning of his pontificate Pope Benedict XVI said, “There is nothing more beautiful than to be surprised by the Gospel, by the encounter with Christ. There is nothing more beautiful than to know Him and to speak to others of our friendship with Him” (Homily from the inauguration of his pontificate, April 24, 2005).

And Pope Francis early on in his pontificate says: “I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day. No one should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her, since ‘no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord’” (“Evangelii Gaudium,” 2).

The Last Supper

Back to the apostles. Jesus would eventually give this gift of the Bread of Life to them on the night before he died. “Take this all of you and eat of it, for this is my body which will be given up for you. Take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood. The blood of the new and everlasting covenant which will be poured out for you.”

His body would be given up and his blood poured out for them, for us, that very next day on the cross. That same body would be raised up on Easter Sunday. And that same body would be given to them again, and again, and again, when they would obey that command given to them that night, “do this in memory of me.”

We see in the Acts of the Apostles, today’s first reading, that after all this Peter gets it. After his encounter with the risen Jesus, with the power of the Holy Spirit, and sharing regularly in the breaking of the bread, Peter becomes an effective witness of Jesus who is living and present in their midst. Not only does Peter find bold words, but we see that the Lord Jesus heals and even works miracles at Peter’s words and hands. How powerful that Eucharistic presence is.

I believe

Exactly 25 years ago this very month, in the April 1999 edition of Magnificat, I came across a poem by Rita Simmonds. I’ve followed her work over the years. (It turns out that she was living right here in Brooklyn around that time.) Since then, she has published this poem in two books that I know of. One of those is published by Magnificat under the title, “He Called.” Allow me to conclude with her poem. Realize that what happens today is nothing short of heaven coming down to earth. God is so very near.


After months of preparation and years of catechesis and prayer, people of faith came together for this massive diocesan celebration. We have a full slate of coverage detailing the Diocese of Brooklyn’s Eucharistic Revival.

For the thousands of individuals gathered at the Louis Armstrong Stadium, the journey to the Eucharistic Revival was a deeply enriching experience. Guiding one such journey was Bishop Robert Brennan, who led hundreds of pilgrims on a spiritual commute to Christ via the 7 line.

Once the nearly 7,000 faithful filed into the stadium, they were greeted with a special edition of The Tablet! Employees of the paper’s parent company, DeSales Media Group, handed out the exclusive pull-out that was only available in print at the stadium.

Bishop Brennan has been leading the Diocese of Brooklyn in this Eucharistic Revival, from the preparation to the pilgrimage to prayers. In his homily during the service, he taught the people of faith a lesson in getting closer to Christ.

Thousands Celebrate Diocese of Brooklyn Eucharistic Revival in Flushing

By Katie Vasquez

From the musical acts and performances to the singers to the 6,500 people sitting in the stands.

The colorful mosaic of the diocese of immigrants was represented from the top tier to the floor of Louis Armstrong Stadium.

The goal of the Diocese of Brooklyn’s Eucharistic Revival is to bring everyone together and help parishioners experience Christ’s true presence in the Eucharist.

“To get closer and just to be able to have that communion with everyone, in the same and get closer adoration, especially with the bishop. It’s very uplifting,” said Edith Areizaga, a St. Brendan Parish parishioner. 

Brooklyn’s Vicar of Evangelization and Catechesis, Father Joseph Gibino, helped plan the event, and he says that idea was at the heart of the diocesan celebration.

“Whenever we gather together, as as Jesus said, two or more, there he is, and for us literally, today with the Eucharist as a moment as a moment for us to be touched by the Lord, but also when we receive the Eucharist, we are physically touched by Jesus, and we touch Jesus’ heart,” said Father Gibino. 

Young people were also a big part of the program; the eucharistic revival began with high school students like Shaden De Leon praying the mysteries with the rosary.

“It’s at a time where I needed it because right now I’m so pushed to do a bunch of work at school that I thought like just taking a break to pray through the rosary with like a bunch of people would just be like so great,” said Shaden De Leon, a parishioner at Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

Bishop Robert Brennan celebrated mass in the stadium’s court. He addressed the young people in his homily, calling on them to develop a deeper relationship with Christ through the blessed sacrament.

“We begin by knowing and loving Jesus, and then we can believe in the presence of the blessed sacrament,” said Bishop Robert Brennan of the Diocese of Brooklyn. 

Bishop Brennan also encouraged dozens of neophytes or those baptized at the Easter vigil who attended the mass. One of them, Melina Lopez from Blessed Sacrament Church in Jackson Heights, says being here helped to affirm her new faith.

“It’s something significant to me in my life, which makes me happy, and it makes me want to be closer to God,” said Lopez. 

The day centered on Christ, and ended with Christ.

Bishop Brennan processes with the Eucharist around the stadium.

Once again, reminding Catholics of a core tenet of their faith, that the Eucharist becomes the actual body of Jesus during the mass.

As Bishop Brennan walks with Christ through the crowds, he says he can feel their faith grow.

“The Holy Spirit brought us together today, and it was just beautiful beyond words, just to see the faith and devotion of so many people who are really alive, alive with love, live with devotion,” said Bishop Brennan. 

Pilgrims Join Bishop Robert Brennan on Subway Pilgrimage to Diocese of Brooklyn Eucharistic Revival

By Jessica Easthope

Early Saturday morning, it was raining cats and dogs, but that wasn’t stopping anyone, including Bishop Robert Brennan, from riding the rails to the Diocese of Brooklyn’s Eucharistic Revival.

“I’m Looking forward to meeting all of our people; some of them are walking in from different directions,” said Bishop Brennan.” We’re going to be coming from all over today.”

The NYPD’s Transit Bureau and MTA officials pulled out all the stops so the bishop could fulfill a promise of his priesthood – meeting people where they are.

“That’s what we’re about; that’s what the Lord himself did, right? I want us to be renewed in our union with each other as a family of God and feeling rejuvenated in our faith, in our belief in Jesus present among us, in the Eucharist,” he said.

The bishop hopped on the 7 train at Court Square in Long Island City, and right there with him were several groups of primarily Spanish-speaking pilgrims. One of them, Patricio Balencia, a parishioner at St. Bartholomew’s in Elmhurst, says representation at the Eucharistic Revival makes him proud to be a Catholic.

“Thank you, Bishop, and thank you to the Diocese because they’re trying to unite all the communities and all the cultures, and that’s good for us, for everybody,” Patricio said.

The pilgrimage was one of two happening on Saturday. As one group filled the subway with songs of Christ’s love, other groups walked to Louis Armstrong Stadium.

Spiritual Commute: Riding the 7 Train With Bishop Brennan to the Eucharistic Revival

Santa Salomon, a parishioner at St. Joseph Patron of the Universal Church in Bushwick, couldn’t stop smiling, knowing a day of joy and worship awaited her at the end of the line. The truth of Christ’s presence in the Eucharist is hers to live out.

“We have to believe it; it is real. And just being part of this just makes everything more, more real and true to me,” she said.

Once the train arrived, Bishop Brennan led the crowd toward their final stop, merging with the groups of pilgrims who walked from their parishes. Then, he greeted all those in line as they waited anxiously to enter the Eucharistic Revival.

Their pilgrimage was complete.

“And yet a new day begins,” Bishop Brennan said as he entered the Eucharistic Revival. “We start our celebration.”

Preview Special: Diocese of Brooklyn’s Eucharistic Revival

It’s been months in the making and years of spiritual preparation from the faithful, but the Diocese of Brooklyn’s Eucharistic Revival is upon us. Learn more about everything you can expect during this special day of celebration.

The diocese is organizing two pilgrimages. One will involve parishioners from Corona and Flushing walking to the stadium, and the other will involve the faithful joining Bishop Robert Brennan on the Seven Train.

Upon arrival, the Diocese of Immigrants will unite in prayer. These prayers, filled with the devotion of the faithful, will transcend language barriers. Participants can even use an app to translate the prayers into their native language, ensuring everyone feels included in this powerful moment of unity.

The day of praise and worship will also include spectacular entertainment, including a special choir that will lead the faithful in song.

Shepherd of the Diocese of Brooklyn to Lead Thousands in Prayer at Eucharistic Revival

Thousands of faithful are expected to converge on Flushing Meadows Park on Saturday, Apr. 20, including Bishop Robert Brennan, who will lead the prayers at the diocese’s Eucharistic Revival.

Bishop Brennan joined Currents News to discuss the importance of the pilgrimage and the Diocese of Brooklyn’s Eucharistic Revival.

It’s not too late to still get tickets just contact your local parish.

You can also email pilgrimage@diobrook.org, or call 718-965-7313.

If you can’t go, you can also watch the Mass with Bishop Brennan at the Eucharistic Revival live right on NET TV,  just tune in at 9:45 in the morning.

Shepherd of the Diocese of Brooklyn to Lead Thousands in Prayer at Eucharistic Revival

By Jessica Easthope

The faithful of Brooklyn and Queens are invited to play their part at the Diocese of Brooklyn Eucharistic Revival.

Pilgrims, united in their belief in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, will converge from every corner of the diocese. They will journey together, on the subway and on the streets, to the Louis Armstrong Stadium in Flushing Meadows Park on Saturday, Apr. 20, for an unprecedented event.

With hearts brimming with anticipation, parishioners and faith leaders have been eagerly awaiting this momentous day. 

“It is really all about the joy of the risen Christ,” said Father Joseph Gibino, Vicar for Evangelization and Catechesis for the diocese. “We should be proclaiming to the world that we are a people blessed and graced.”

Father Gibino said the sights and sounds of praise will stimulate pilgrims’ senses upon arrival.

“As they get to the park, it’s going to be utter chaos as they arrive; it will truly be Pentecost,” Father Gibino said. “Then they’re going to come into the stadium, and it will be bright and bold; it will be Easter.”