St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Online Academy Celebrates Graduation

Some future leaders in the Diocese of Brooklyn celebrated a milestone, 8th grade graduation!

The St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Online Academy had its very first graduation Friday with a guest speaker from Rome: Brother Guy Consolmagno.

During the online ceremony, each of the 12 graduates offered a cherished memory from their 8th grade year, a wish for their fellow classmates and a brief look at their high school of choice.

The St. Thomas Aquinas Online Catholic Academy is the city’s only remote learning option.

The virtual kindergarten through eighth grade school is for students across the country.

The program first began in September of 2020 after COVID forced students to go remote. Some 2,400 students are enrolled.

After schools began to open again, the diocese realized the need for this kind of online learning were still there, and so the academy was made permanent.

Bishop Kevin Sweeney Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Ordination

Bishop Kevin Sweeney of the Diocese of Paterson New Jersey celebrated his 25th ordination anniversary at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Wednesday.

Bishop Sweeney thanked Bishop Emeritus Nicholas DiMarzio, as well as some auxiliary bishops of Brooklyn, for helping in his formation.

Bishop Sweeney is a Queens native and served in the Diocese of Brooklyn for 23 years before he was ordained a bishop and installed as the shepherd of the Diocese of Paterson 2 years ago.

Catholic News Headlines for Friday, 07/01/22

On this special edition of Currents News, stories of faith and inspiration:

A mom and daughter team up to run their church’s food pantry.

How the work of one Queens woman is helping others to pray and strengthen their faith every single day.

How a dad’s young daughter helped to turn his life around.

Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller: America’s Immigration Laws are Broken and Wrong

A tractor trailer carrying dozens of dead or dying migrants that wound up in San Antonio managed to pass through a checkpoint in the U.S.

An Associated Press report, citing a U.S. official, says the migrants were already in the truck when it passed the checkpoint about 26 miles from Laredo.

A total of 53 migrants died in the sweltering heat inside the trailer.

Three people were arrested, including the driver of the truck, in what’s being called one of the deadliest migrant incidents in U.S. history.

Joining us now to talk about how the church is responding to this tragedy is Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller of the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

Catholic News Headlines for Thursday, 06/30/22

Another win for Catholics at the Supreme Court. On the last day of their session the Justices handed down rulings on two big cases related to climate and immigration.

Russian forces have pulled out of Snake Island in the Black Sea in what’s seen as a big win for Ukraine.

Currents News will be taking a break for the week of 4th of July.

Why Overturning Roe v. Wade Means Nothing in New York

Friday’s Supreme Court decision did nothing to change the legality of abortion in New York.

The 2019 “Reproductive Health Act” made abortion a fundamental right in the state and legally, it is impossible to enact regulations or restrictions on abortion as most other states have done.

Kristen Curran, Director of Government Relations for the New York State Catholic Conference, joins Currents News to explain.

Catholic News Headlines for Wednesday, 06/29/22

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met with Pope Francis Wednesday morning.

Tears and prayers in San Antonio, Texas – a is memorial growing at the spot where dozens of migrants were found dead in a stifling trailer.

Friday’s Supreme Court decision did nothing to change the legality of abortion in New York.

Pelosi Receives Communion at Mass Presided Over by Pope Francis

By Inés San Martín

ROME – Nancy Pelosi took Communion during a Mass presided over by Pope Francis on Wednesday.

In May, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, Pelosi’s home diocese, barred the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from receiving communion in the archdiocese over her outspoken support of abortion rights.

Pelosi, who is currently in Rome as part of a family vacation, attended the liturgy for the feast of Saints Peter and Paul in St. Peter’s Basilica, and according to sources who were present at the time, received the Eucharist.

She did not receive it from the pope himself, but from one of the priests at the basilica, whose nationality remains unknown. It is also unclear if the priest knew who she was.

Cordileone announced his decision to bar her from receiving Communion with a letter to the faithful May 20: “After numerous attempts to speak with her to help her understand the grave evil she is perpetrating, the scandal she is causing, and the danger to her own soul she is risking, I have determined that the point has come in which I must make a declaration that she is not admitted to Holy Communion unless and until she publicly repudiates her support for abortion ‘rights’ and confesses and receives absolution for her cooperation in this evil in the sacrament of penance.”

The California Democrat pushed back at the time, saying that she comes from a large family with many members who oppose abortion.

“I respect people’s views about that. But I don’t respect us foisting it onto others.” Pelosi said. “Our archbishop has been vehemently against LGBTQ rights. In fact, he led the way in an initiative on the ballot in California.”

Pelosi also said that women and families need to know this is about more than abortion: “These same people are against contraception, family planning, in vitro fertilization. It’s a blanket thing and they use abortion as the front man for it.”

Pope Francis referred to the question of pro-abortion politicians and Communion in 2021, on his return to Rome from Slovakia.

At the time, Francis said that the Eucharist is for those who are “in the community” and politicians who support abortion are “outside of the community.”

However, he also said that in these cases, it’s a pastoral matter that must be addressed by the individual’s pastor.

Pope Francis began his response by saying that he’s never denied Communion to anyone, but also that, “I don’t know if any came in this condition. But I was never conscious of having in front of me a person like the one you describe.”

When Francis was still Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, all Argentinian Catholic politicians were openly pro-life, with the push to legalize abortion in the country gaining steam in the years after he became pope.

Last year, Cardinal Luis Ladaria, head of the Vatican’s doctrine office, wrote the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, warning them that a national policy against giving Communion to pro-choice politicians could become “a source of discord rather than unity within the episcopate and the larger church in the United States.”

During his homily Wednesday, Pope Francis said the Catholic Church has to be a place where “everyone can feel welcomed and accompanied, one where listening, dialogue and participation are cultivated under the sole authority of the Holy Spirit.”

But he also urged the bishops and those present not “to retreat into our ecclesial circles and remain pinned to some of our fruitless debates. Together we can and must continue to care for human life, the protection of creation, the dignity of work, the families, the elderly, all those abandoned or rejected.”