Catholic News Headlines for Tuesday 11/8/22

It’s Election Night 2022 and as people went to the polls to cast their ballots, we met with St. John’s University students who are studying government. They share the concerns of young voters.

The police are urging voters to be vigilant.

Many are turning to prayer today. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco posted an invitation on Twitter to the faithful, asking them to join him in praying a Rosary for peace.

How Pope Francis is Walking the ‘Diplomatic Line’ on Iran

On the plane ride home from Bahrain Pope Francis was asked to comment on the protests going on in Iran.

The demonstrations started after the death of Mahsa Amini, who was detained by morality police for not wearing her hijab.

Elise Allen, senior correspondent for Crux, has been covering the Pope’s trip and she joins Currents News to explain more.

Catholic War Veterans Recruit New Members to Continue Outreach

By Jessica Easthope

The Catholic War Veterans and Auxiliary of the U.S.A. are brainstorming from their base in Bellerose, Queens.

They’ve served their country, and now they serve God. The organization has reached out to help anyone and everyone it can for the last 78 years. Now it’s time to map out the future.

Their numbers are dwindling  so they’re upping their recruitment efforts to ensure they can continue their work well into the future.

“We try to tell them how important it is that we need them people because who’s going to take our place when we pass away or move and so we need to get the younger generation involved,” said New York State Commander Bruce Lubkeman.

Want to be a member? You must be a practicing Catholic and a veteran or related to a veteran who has served in active duty for at least six months. But what the team does knows no boundaries.

“We’re unique because we cross the lines, not only Catholics but we talk to all religious people, we help everybody as a veteran especially those who are coming back from one of the wars,” Lubkeman said.

After WWII, the Catholic Veterans had more than 250,000, now they’re down to about 8,000.

Most of their members are from the Vietnam War generation, and just five percent have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, a population that’s been difficult to recruit.

“I know what they went through, what they see over there, there are a lot of suicides across the board, they just can’t handle coming back, they have a lot of problems with what they see,” said Lubkeman.

Recruitment used to happen in church, but as less and less young people are attending mass, membership numbers have plummeted.

“We know what they’ve gone through and it’s a form of isolation,” said National Commander David Crum.

But the organization knows it can still help. They’ve provided financial support, been a liaison between veterans and the VA and gotten through to those who have sacrificed their emotional wellbeing fighting for freedom.

“Any veteran deserves what we can give them, they gave the ultimate sacrifice, giving up their time, liberty and possibly everything for this country, and whatever we can do, we’re going to repay them as best we can,” Crum said.

This year, the men are spending Veterans Day packing up supplies to send to American troops in Ukraine. One of the many ways they continue their service – and fill what they say is a significant void.

“They wrote us a letter saying they didn’t have anything. It boggles my mind how we can send troops there and not have the equipment and facilities they need to keep their jobs up,” said Crum.

They’re no longer on the front lines, but their call to serve hasn’t been silenced, it’s gotten louder.