Parents of Late Diocese of Brooklyn Priest Donate to Bright Christmas Campaign

By Jessica Easthope

The first thing you see when you walk into Lou and Joan Gancila’s house are toys. They belonged to their son, Joseph, or as he was known in the Diocese of Brooklyn, Father Joe.

“His love for the children and the way he made them feel on Christmas, they would start asking him in September who’s coming to Christmas and he would say I’ll never tell,” the couple said.

Father Joe used the toys every Christmas as a way to relate to the children at his Masses, right up until Christmas of 2019, 10 days before he died.

“I couldn’t believe it, sometimes we still can’t believe it we just expect him to walk through the door, you’re not supposed to be burying a child,” they said.

Like Father Joe, his parents know how impactful toys can be in a child’s life, which is why they’ve been donating to the Tablet’s Bright Christmas campaign for more than 25 years.

“The people of the Diocese of Brooklyn are special to us because that’s our home and when we get the mailing every year it’s like yes, absolutely,” said Lou.

Joan and Lou have since moved away from the Diocese of Brooklyn and their home parish the Basilica of Regina Pacis.

“We’ve attended there all our lives, we saw the church being built, we received our sacraments there, we saw our children married there and our son celebrate his first mass there,” Joan said.

But for them it will always be home.

“Anytime we go back to visit our son we have that feeling we’re home, this is our home, we go to church here and it’s fine but that is our home, our roots were there and in a way they still are,” they said.

And giving to Bright Christmas is a chance to make that home a better place for those who really need it.

“If we have the ability to help those people, we want to do it and Bright Christmas is one of the charities that we use to give us a little satisfaction that we’re giving back to those who aren’t as fortunate as we are,” Lou said.

Losing a child changed the Gancila’s forever, but their faith and connection to the Diocese of Brooklyn has sustained them.

“We still get The Tablet and we see all the letters that say thank you so much for donating and for what Bright Christmas gave to us and that makes us feel good,” said Joan.

And with a new year and a higher goal, the Gancila’s are giving a little more.

The Church of Saints Simon and Jude Celebrate 125 Years of Faith

The church of Saints Simon and Jude celebrated 125 years over the weekend with Brooklyn Bishop Robert Brennan and former parishioner, Bishop Frank Caggiano. The now bishop of Bridgeport grew up in Gravesend right near the parish.

Bishop Caggiano even mentioned during his homily that he remembers seeing the current church being built while in class.

The original church was built at the turn of the 20th century to minister to the predominately Irish immigrant population.

As the diocese of immigrants grew more diverse and more parishioners began to pack the pews, the parish decided to build a bigger church and that’s the one that stands there today.

Xavier High School Celebrates 175 Years of Catholic Education

A New York Catholic High School is celebrating almost 2 centuries of providing a quality education.

Xavier High School, a Jesuit school in Manhattan, culminated it’s 175th anniversary year with a Mass at the church of St Francis Xavier on Saturday. The Mass was followed by a gala with New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

Jesuit Father John Larkin founded Xavier as an all-boys school in 1847 with only five cents in his pocket. Back then it was called “The School of the Holy Name of Jesus.”

Catholic News Headlines for Monday 12/05/22


The 2022 Peace Light has arrived in the Diocese of Brooklyn.

A funeral Mass was held today for the priest found killed last week in Covington, Louisiana.

In Wisconsin the city of Waukesha held its 59th annual Christmas Parade Sunday afternoon – a year after six people were killed when a car plowed through the parade route.

Cafe Con Cristo: ¿Quién soy?

Licenciado Bernardo Dueñas La cultura en la que vivimos hoy está constantemente bombardeándonos con desinformación y cosas que “deberíamos de ‘ser’ y ‘hacer’” y esto podría confundirnos hasta el punto de no saber quiénes somos, y perder de vista nuestra naturaleza, nuestra identidad y propósitos en Dios. Y para conversar sobre la realidad de este tema nos acompaña Bernardo Dueñas Licenciado en Psicología Clínica.

Cafe Con Cristo: Lema: Puedes porque eres

Me imagino que tal vez tú también tiene estas preguntas o conoces alguna persona que las tiene.Como respuesta a estas y otras preguntas les entregamos con mucho entusiasmo la nueva temporada de Café con Cristo titulada: “Puedes porque eres”. En cada episodio tendremos católicos profesionales expertos en el área de salud mental, identidad, consejería y psicoterapiaen distintas áreas. No existen palabras para expresar lo contentos y orgullosos que estamos de esta nueva temporada. Preparamos la mejor taza de café posible. Estamos seguro de que jamás has probado un cafecito como este. Así que, prepara tu paladar, alma y corazón para recibir bendiciones del cielo.

Catholic News Headlines for Friday 12/02/22


This week Bishop Robert Brennan celebrated his first anniversary as the eighth bishop of Brooklyn.

We’ll get the latest news from Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy, straight from their own news anchors.