Catholic News Headlines for Thursday 06/1/2023

Find out why Deacon Nnamdi Eusebius Eze is trading in his mechanical tools for a bible and a collar in the third installment of Currents News’ Meet The Priest Series. 

Bishop Robert Brennan speaks with the men who became Diocese of Brooklyn priests last year in his podcast Big City Catholics.

Thousands of Catholics converged on Times Square over the weekend for a Eucharistic Procession.

Currents News takes you to a special Mass celebrated every year at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, to honor and thank healthcare workers and caregivers.

St. Athanasius Academy Celebrates Father Ron D’Antonio’s Retirement

A diocesan Catholic school rolled out the red carpet on Friday, May 26, for their own version of the Academy Awards.

The stars hit the stage at St. Athanasius Catholic Academy, but one winner swept every category, Father Ron D’Antonio.

He’s retiring after teaching at the school for nearly two decades. Father D’Antonio has always loved movies and television so much that as a child he dreamed of being an actor.

Students and teachers decided to incorporate movies into the event and put on a Hollywood celebration to honor him.

Father D’Antonio will spend his retirement at his home parish of St. Simon and Jude in Gravesend. 

Pulse of The Parish: The Holy Name of Jesus Church

The Holy Name of Jesus Church in Windsor Terrace has stood on the corner of Prospect Park West and Prospect Avenue since 1878.

A recent renovation restored the church’s timeless design.

Nick Sisto, who’s been sitting in the church’s pews for decades, was there every step of the way, helping to bring the church back to its original beauty.

“I can’t believe I played a small part in something so big, in something so lasting, in something that meant so much to so many,” Sisto said.

Sisto credits the entire parish for making the restoration a reality and says the professionals did the heavy lifting.

“We were building something not temporary,” Sisto said. “We were building something for many generations to come after us.”

But Father Larry Ryan, Holy Name’s pastor, said Sisto was at the center of everything.

“He is tremendously well organized,” Father Ryan said. “He was in effect the project manager of this restoration.”

Nick Sisto from Holy Name of Jesus Church in Brooklyn is The Pulse Of The Parish.

Catholic News Headlines for Wednesday 05/31/2023

In tonight’s Pulse of The Parish, we’re taking you to Holy Name of Jesus Church in Windsor Terrace to meet Nick Sisto.

Protesters hit the streets of California after charges against the vandals who destroyed a statue of St. Junipero Serra were reduced.

The unembalmed body of a nun was exhumed and her order was shocked to find no signs of decay four years after her death.

Tonight On Currents News: Pulse of The Parish, Nick Sisto

In tonight’s Pulse of The Parish, we’re taking you to Holy Name of Jesus Church in Windsor Terrace to meet Nick Sisto.

Sisto helped with the stunning restoration of his beloved church.

You can watch Sisto’s story on Currents News, Wednesday night on NET-TV at 7 PM Est.

Mayor Adams Busing Newcomers Upstate to Albany

While there has been no major influx of migrants at the Southern border since Title 42 was lifted, there are still tens of thousands in New York City.

Mayor Eric Adams has announced plans to bus approximately five dozen migrants to Albany over the weekend. Community leaders in the state capital are complaining that they were given little notice about the latest impending migrant influx.

In an interview with the New York Post, the Albany County Executive called the move “organized chaos.”

Bishop Brennan Honors Fallen During Memorial Day Mass at Cemetery

Bishop Robert Brennan honored those who served the country in the armed forces this weekend with a special Memorial Day Mass. 

This year the bishop celebrated the holiday with a Field Mass at St. John’s Cemetery in Middle Village, Queens. 

The service was to remember and pray for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Similar liturgies were held at all cemeteries owned and operated by Catholic Cemeteries of Brooklyn and Queens.

Bishop Brennan Ordains 19 New Deacons on Saturday

It was a joyous day for the Diocese of Brooklyn, with 19 men being ordained as new deacons.

Bishop Robert Brennan presided over the sacrament on Saturday, May 27, at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph. 

The men, who range in age from 40 to 65, will perform baptisms, witness marriages, and distribute Communion in churches all around Brooklyn and Queens.

At the end of the Mass, Bishop Brennan gave his appreciation to the new deacons and the families who helped them realize their vocation. 

Brooklyn will be served by 13 of the new deacons, while the remaining six will serve in Queens.

You can read all about the Deacon Class of 2023 in The Tablet.

The paper introduces you to all the men, showing their different backgrounds and how they have been serving the diocese before their ordination.

Just pick up a copy of the paper to read all about them.

Catholic News Headlines for Tuesday 05/30/2023

Police are looking for the person who broke into a Queens church and stole some valuable items.

The Diocese of Brooklyn has 19 new deacons.

Bishop Robert Brennan marked Memorial Day by celebrating a field Mass.

While there has been no major influx of migrants at the southern border since Title 42 was lifted, there are still newcomers entering the U.S.

Police Search for Suspect in Our Lady of Fatima Burglary

By Jessica Easthope

The gift shop inside the foyer of Our Lady of Fatima Church in East Elmhurst, Queens was found ransacked and religious items were thrown all over the floor. The physical damage has since been cleaned up and some of it repaired but the staff and parishioners said the emotional damage is going to last.

Building manager, Leo Martinez said it must have taken serious force to get in. The real marble wall was broken and when he came across it, it was powder on the ground.

“It’s sort of like a violation to your own property, this is pretty much a home for me so you take it pretty personal when things like that happen,” he said.

Early morning May 18, a man came with a bag of tools and broke into the small gift shop, making off with a garbage bag of cash and religious items worth $1,500.

“It’s shocking, someone comes into your home and your own space and violates,” Father Darrell Da Costa said.

Father Da Costa reported the crime to police immediately. The church will now get more cameras and new alarms and locks for its vicinity.

The pastor hopes people in the community feel safe and welcomed in church, including the man who burglarized it.

“It’s an opportunity to pray for that person to turn around and do better, with God’s help, turn around, turn to god and people will help you,” he said.

“I don’t wish bad on anybody,” said Leo. “But this hurt people emotionally.”

Police are now asking for the public’s help finding the person responsible. If you have any information you can call NYPD’s Crime Stoppers.