U.S. Revival Leaders in Rome, Pope Blesses Monstrance to Be Used at Congress

As Catholics around the country are preparing for the National Eucharistic Revival, U.S. bishops kicked off a campaign to show Catholics the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

Leaders of the revival went to Rome to meet with Pope Francis, who shared some inspiring words for them.

The Holy Father also blessed the monstrance that will be used at the National Eucharistic Congress and encouraged the members to continue their mission. 

Organizers of the National Eucharistic Congress, a weeklong event in July of 2024, said it will have a festival atmosphere with something for everyone, including Masses, art installations, and concerts.

For more info and updates on the nationwide campaign, go to EucharisticRevival.org

Catholics in Brooklyn and Queens are preparing for their very own diocesanwide revival event on Oct. 7 at Maimonides Park.If you want to go, you can register at DioceseofBrooklyn.org/eucharistic-revival-2023.

Catholic News Headlines for Tuesday 06/20/2023

Leaders of the Eucharistic Revival here in the United States went to Rome to meet with Pope Francis.

The Diocese of Brooklyn is planning its own revival event in October at Maimonides Park.

Four people are dead, two are in critical condition, after a fire ripped through a Lower Manhattan e-bike store on Tuesday.

It’s been almost a year since Roe v. Wade was overturned and a new study looks at what it’s calling the hidden epidemic of abortions.

Families Learn the History of Juneteenth Through Holiday Celebrations

Juneteenth is the annual commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States.

While it’s been recognized by African Americans since the late 1800s, it hadn’t been recognized by the federal government until 2021 when it became the newest federal holiday.

The festivities have already caught on quick in Brooklyn.

Archdiocese of Newark Partners With NJ Reentry Corporation to Bring Addicts Hope

The opioid epidemic is the worst drug crisis in American history, and it’s claiming the lives of over 1,500 people every week. 

Initially stemming from the excessive prescription of legal pain medications, the crisis has now escalated. 

In certain states, there are more prescriptions being written than there are people. 

New Jersey has made the decision to take action, and they are seeking support from the Church.

Father Timothy Graff is coordinating a new collaboration between the Archdiocese of Newark and the New Jersey Reentry Corporation, which is led by former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey, to help fight back against fentanyl and other opioid addictions by helping addicts to get clean. 

While New Jersey is dealing with the struggles of opioid addiction and other drug use, fatal drug overdoses are at an all-time high when it comes to New York City as well. 

Someone dies of an overdose every three hours, according to the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. 

If you or someone you know is suffering from drug addiction you can turn to Catholic Charities for help. 

There are several health clinics all around Brooklyn and Queens. 

To find one near you, just visit CCBQ.ORG.

Catholic News Headlines for Monday 06/19/2023

New Jersey has a new weapon in the fight against opioid addiction… the Catholic Church!

Islamic militants, linked to ISIS, killed at least 41 people, most of them students at a residential high school.

During his Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis spoke about the Ugandan terrorist attack during  his first public appearance after spending nine days in the hospital.

Today is Juneteenth, an annual commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States.

Teacher Takes on Father-Figure Role for 8th Grader

It’s graduation day for hundreds of eighth graders in the Diocese of Brooklyn. 

But for Leonardo Jones, his graduation is a bit more meaningful. 

His school has become a support system and his teachers, like William Del Valle, have become like family. 

Thanks to the teachers, what started as a struggle for Leonardo is now a success story. 

Jessica Easthope has more from St. Catherine of Genoa-St. Thérèse of Lisieux Catholic Academy in East Flatbush.

Canarsie Catholic Students Learn About Gardening And Cooking

Students at Our Lady Of Trust Catholic Academy in Canarsie are getting a lesson in farm to table cooking.

Thanks to an after school club seventh and Eighth grade students learn about nutrition by harvesting their own crops.

Currents News spoke to some of the would-be farmers about what they’ve learned so far.

Catholic News Headlines for Friday 06/16/2023

Pope Francis is back at The Vatican. The Holy Father left Gemelli Hospital in Rome this morning.

A church in Los Angeles is stepping up to help migrants after a bus dropped them off at L.A.’s Union Station on Wednesday.

Tonight we’ll have the story of a Brooklyn Catholic student who calls his teacher a father figure. 

Students at another Brooklyn Catholic school are learning how to eat healthy and grow their own food.