Yankees Fans Struck By Lightning While Leaving Spring Training Game

Tags: Currents Brooklyn, NY, Family, Media, New York, New York News, New York State, Queens, NY, Sports

Currents News Staff

It’s not too often people get hit by lighting and live to talk about it. Ashley Moberg and her dad were on their way back to Chicago and shared what they could remember.

“We are big Yankees fans and had never seen spring training,” Ashley said, “so when we heard that the baseball strike had ended we jumped on getting some tickets and I’ve never been to Disney either, so we went to Disney for the first time as well.”

But they ran from a thunderstorm at Steinbrenner field in Tampa on Saturday. The dream trip then became a nightmare when they found themselves under a tree unable to locate their car.

“And there was a bright flash and the loud boom that I heard,” Ashley added. “The next thing I knew I was flying out of my shoes and my ears were ringing and my dad hit his head on the ground and then I hit the ground. I thought my dad was dead for about ten seconds there while I was lying on the pavement trying to figure out whether I had died.”

Her father hit the ground, breaking his cheekbone and the necklace Ashley was wearing: burned through her neck.

“For everyone who is asking,” Ashley said,  “yes, we got super powers and no we are not allowed to talk about them.”