By Emily Drooby
Lynda Rozell lives in a 19-foot Airstream. It’s her tin can home in which she travels the world. What would be the reason behind her decision to do this?
“It was totally an inspiration from God,” she said.
A lawyer by trade, she left her job and sold her home after stumbling upon an Airstream dealership.
“And it was sort of an, ‘ah, ha moment’. I could live here, and then I could go anywhere, and whatever God wants me to do and then I just kept praying on it,” Lynda explained.
Traveling the country since 2018, Lynda has visited religious sites and national landmarks.
Along her journey, she has been evangelizing others using tools like conversation, her blog, and now her book, “Journeys with a Tin Can Pilgrim.”
Now she has traveled all the way to the Diocese of Brooklyn and made the brand-new Emmaus Center part of her book tour.
The destination in Williamsburg was the perfect fit for the center’s first event explained board chairman Msgr. Jamie Gigantiello.
“That evangelization theme, which is her life and her witness, is really what this center, we want to be, should be,” Msgr. Jamie said. “To evangelize through the arts to this community.”
Lynda and her tin can are kicking-off what is sure to be a strong legacy at the new arts center, all in the name of evangelization.