Staten Island Planned Parenthood Closes, Right To Life League Holds Last Prayer Group Outside Location

Tags: Currents Abortion, Faith, Family, Inspiration, Media, Pro-Life, Right to Life

by Jessica Easthope

Staten Island’s Right to Life League said this is the power of prayer. After years of praying at this Planned Parenthood, Staten Island’s only location, it has officially closed.

Lee Canning, the vice president of Staten Island’s Right to Life League, said during his decades as a pro-life advocate, he’s been shocked many times by Planned Parenthood, but this was the first time it’s been positive.

“Bearing witness with our faith, prayer, and action,” Lee said. “I think that significantly contributed to the closure here at the stunning location of Planned Parenthood.”

Lee and his mother, Marietta Canning, the president of the organization, showed up to the Hyatt Street abortion provider Tuesday, ready to pray for life like they’ve done every week for years.

But this week, they found a lock on the front door. The location was slated to close later this fall due to financial challenges but did so early.

“We stay here in front of Planned Parenthood, we pray the Rosary for life, and we give out pamphlets where the girls can get help at any time,” Marietta said. “And now, we claim Planned Parenthood as our 12th abortionist to stop.”

The Right to Life League estimates the number of abortion providers on Staten Island has been cut in half in recent years, in part thanks to their steadfast prayers.

“You have to be in the spot. A certain amount of prayers must be said at the site,” Marietta said. “And believe me, God listens to you when you are one in this. And that’s the answer to unification. We all must be one in this.”

“A lot of people are going out of Staten Island to get their abortions, but at the same time, no matter where the killing is, we want abortion to end,” Lee said.

Canning said over the years, they’ve encountered only minor disturbances — on Tuesday during their last prayer, they engaged with a young woman who didn’t agree with their cause.

“We love the mothers, we pray for the abortionists and for their conversion, and we hope their God will bring them home too,” Lee said. “There’s no hate here. There’s all of it. But we need to stop this.”

As of early September, the location is no longer accepting clients. The Right to Life League says they plan to move their weekly Tuesday prayer to another abortion provider.