St. Rose of Lima Catholic Academy Marks Catholic Schools Week With Career Day

Tags: Currents Brooklyn, NY, Catholic Education, Faith, Family, Inspiration, Media, Queens, NY, World News

By Currents News

Some children want to be police officers when they grow up, and those at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Academy in Queens got to live out that dream at their Catholic Schools Week celebration. 

Students at the Rockaway school were encouraged to dress up as their future careers, which included  police officers, pilots, doctors, and even marine biologists. 

Currents News asked some of those students about the motivation behind their career choices, while staff told us they hoped this dress-down day encourages the kids to dream big.

“I want to be a scientist because it’s fun to do experiments,” Maria Teixiera, a 1st grader at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Academy, told Currents News.

“My other grandpa in Ireland was playing airplanes and I want to be a pilot,” explained 2nd grader Cassius Flores. “That’s why” he decided to dress as a pilot. 

“I want to be a vet when I grow up because there’s very important animals in the world and I know some will probably go extinct soon or something,” 3rd grader Talia Torres said.

“Here especially at St. Rose and I think all Catholic schools, we really work on fostering that independence, fostering that God has a plan for us and we are able to do whatever we want to do as long as we work hard and just continue to practice, practice, practice,” Thomas Hirdt, a 2nd grade teacher at the school, told Currents News. 

Each classroom also had career day activities like making paper hats that proudly proclaimed their dream jobs.