Father Edwin Ortiz couldn’t believe what he was seeing the first time he witnessed Father Gerald Umoren walk the streets of Bensonhurst, visiting parishioners at their homes .
Father Ortiz, The Parochial Vicar at St. Athanasius Church said it will forever stand out as an example of what it means to be a shepherd.
“Father Gerald really has integrated himself in the community,” Father Ortiz said. “It’s beautiful to see the relationships that he has and has maintained throughout these 19 years. He really gives himself completely to the parish.”
This year, Father Umoren, who’s a visiting priest from Nigeria, is walking the streets making his visits for a 19th summer. He’s greeted with a “welcome home.”
That is what Brooklyn is to him.
“I found a home here,”Father Umoren “Whether you call it first home or second home, I found a home here.”
It’s the reason he keeps coming back. When Father Umoren first came, the church was struggling.
“During that time, the church’s sex scandal was at its peak,” Father Umorensaid. “But when I came I found that the faith was still very strong. There were people in church and the people were very warm.”
Father Umoren is a teacher by trade. At home he’s the principal of a high school and a university and seminary professor.
But when he comes to Brooklyn, he’s the student. He’s practicing his language skills, and saying Mass in both Spanish and Italian.
“What impressed me is he wasn’t just trying to learn the language but the culture,” Father Ortiz said.
His language skills have made him some great friends over the years, like Anita de Mattia.
“I see her as one of the few remaining veterans,” Father Umoren said. “I’m so encouraged by the faith she shows. She is one of those who will not miss morning mass.”
“He was accepted,” de Mattia said. “It’s your personality and what you do with it that speaks for yourself. It’s that and also what he says to you.”
De Mattia has been a parishioner at St. Athanasius for 55 years.
Like others who have come to know and love Father Umoren, she can’t help but mention his signature smile.
“When I think of Father Umoren I see a big smile,” de Mattia said. “He’s always smiling, you want a piece of that joy.”
Like Father Ortiz, she too has come to appreciate his signature advice.
“Don’t rush, think through things, just be calm and relaxed and know that I’m praying for you, that’s what he says,” de Mattia said.
“Father Gerald pulled me to the side one day and told me [to] slow down, relax,” Father Ortiz said. “You’re never going to enjoy the priesthood. It will become work and you’ll never enjoy it.”
Father Umoren will tell you he comes to Brooklyn because he enjoys it. It makes him feel good, but his real impact is how he makes others feel.
“I’ve learned so much from him and I know it’s something I’ll always hold especially for future ministry,” Father Ortiz said.