Currents News Staff
Polish President, Andrzej Duda, visited the Vatican to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the election of John Paul II. It was the second time he had met the Pope.
During the 30-minute meeting they discussed issues such as the upcoming international climate summit in Katowice, the reception of emigrants and the promotion of the family. In Poland, the government pays each family 120 euros for every child, starting with the second.
The President gave the Holy Father a picture of Divine Mercy and a basket of typical products from his country. The Pope gave Duda a medallion with the third arm of St. Peter’s colonnade, which was never built.
They also spoke about how to deal with the crisis of the European Union, and the President told the Pope that “we have to return to the founding values.”
This is why, before leaving, the Pope said “thank you for what you do for Europe.”
He asked him also to send his regards to the Prime Minister. “Give my regards to Mrs. Beata,” said Francis.
The President invited the Pope to return to Poland next year, for the 100 years of relations between the two countries. Pope Francis thanked him, but for now he did not answer.