US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley called the job “an honor of a lifetime” as she announced her surprise resignation.
President Donald Trump said, “We’re all happy for you in one way, but hate to lose you. Hopefully you will be coming back at some point.”
Haley will leave her post at the end of the year. The President says Haley told him six months ago she sought a break. However, a source familiar with the situation told CNN Haley notified Trump about her decision only last week.
The former South Carolina governor, well-liked at U.N., while navigating the Trump shift in U.S. foreign policy.
“The Secretary General wishes to express his deep appreciation for the excellent cooperation and support that Nikki Haley has always demonstrated,” said Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the UN Secretary General.
She was often seen as a moderating voice.
“Nikki Haley was generally seen as one of the grown-ups in the Trump administration. Somebody who’s a very skillful politician, able to get along with President Trump, but also cultivate a separate identity,” said Max Boot, Council on Foreign Relations.
Haley quieted any speculation about a 2020 white house bid. President Trump says he’ll name a successor, within two to three weeks.