Why Italians Are Finding Faith in Numbers During the Coronavirus Crisis

Tags: Currents Coronavirus, Crux, Faith, Family, Health, Health Care, Inspiration, Italy, Media, Pope Francis, World News

By Melissa Butz

A new glimmer of hope is spreading throughout Italy after March 30 marked a new two-week low of new coronavirus infections and the highest number of recoveries: a whopping 1,590. 

It is the fourth week of Italy’s lockdown, marked by deserted streets and a few masked adventurers out for essentials. 

But numbers prove the quarantine may be working.

“It’s comforting,” said Italy resident Gianpiero. “We hope people will continue to behave and the virus doesn’t continue to spread.”

“I have hope in medicine,” added fellow resident Sandra. “I have hope in new laws to wear masks and to quarantine. All these rules should be stopping the contagion.” 

Italians fully support the work their medical professionals are doing. 

Symbols of gratitude prove this around Rome, like one cross near the Vatican which is inviting passersby to light a candle in honor of those in healthcare.

“The medical professionals are doing an exceptional job. I’m not just saying this – really! My biggest pain right now is for the doctors who are dying,” said Monica, a resident of Rome. “This is the most painful part, even though I don’t know them.” 

In Italy, 66 doctors and nurses have died. Three of them died March 31. Currently 8,956 health care workers have the virus.

But despite it all, signs of hope hang from windows, rainbows painted by children with messages written on them. 

The quarantine has been extended to mid-April indefinitely, but many doubt it will end there. However, if new cases continue to drop, it could be over sooner than many Italians think.