‘Christ Is Walking With Us’ in the Diocese of Brooklyn This Jubilee Year

Tags: Currents Brooklyn, NY, Faith, Family, Inspiration, Jubilee Year, Media, Pope Francis, Queens, NY, World News

By Currents News

Parishioners from across the Diocese of Brooklyn packed the pews at the Cathedral-Basilica of St. James on Dec. 29, 2024 to help Bishop Robert Brennan usher in the Jubilee Year, which he says is “a reminder of our connection to the greatest moment in time: when God became human, the birth of Jesus.”

The service at St. James was one of two Masses celebrated by the Shepherd of Brooklyn in the borough for the diocese’s formal opening of the Holy Year, which also coincided with the feast of the holy family.

“It’s a beautiful opportunity as a family and young adults to come and support our diocese and just to spread the love of God throughout the streets of Brooklyn and Queens,” parishioner Marlene Sanchez tells Currents News. “It’s something truly meaningful for me.”

Sanchez held hands with her family members as she walked through the streets of Brooklyn following Bishop Brennan, who led a procession with the Blessed Sacrament from the Cathedral-Basilica of St. James to the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph.

Amid the sounds of New York City they prayed, stopping traffic and causing pedestrians to stop in their tracks to watch.

Gillian Hunte tells Currents News she didn’t mind the attention the procession was garnering. 

“Besides proclaiming that we are for Christ because He is the light of the world, today’s a day we become a little bit closer to Him and the Son and what He is about,” she explains. “He is the way, the truth and the light.”

These pilgrims are holding that light close as we enter this Jubilee of hope.

“It gives us a concrete reminder that we’re not alone, that Christ is walking with us,” says Bishop Brennan.