Currents News for Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tags: Currents Baltics, Brooklyn, NY, Cosby, Kavanaugh, Pope Francis, President Trump, Queens, NY, Supreme Court, Undocumented, V Encuentro

On the newscast: The Holy Father is leaving the Baltics – his message for young people about the clerical sex abuse crisis; Jail time for Bill Cosby – he’s now a convicted sexual predator; As President Trump addresses the United Nations, his Supreme Court nominee is on the offensive ahead of Thursday’s hearing; A Currents News exclusive: we talk with an undocumented immigrant who took a risk and attended the Encuentro.

Today’s top news from the Catholic perspective anchored by Liz Faublas. Currents news airs Monday through Friday at 7:00 p.m. EST on NET-TV (