Currents News for Friday, April 5, 2019

Tags: Currents Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Brooklyn Catholic Youth Day, CRS RICE BOWL, Gift of Life Walk, Hydroponics, Pro-Life, St. John's Bread and Life, St. Saviour High School, Unplanned Movie

On this special edition: Hundreds take to New York’s streets and spread the Pro-Life message; The Pro-Life movie “Unplanned” is winning over moviegoers despite a campaign being waged against the film; Catholic priests return to their roots at Saint John’s Prep in Queens. They’re on a mission to inspire; A large turnout of young adults, coming together to ‘Ignite’ the faith at Catholic Youth Day.

Today’s top news from the Catholic perspective anchored by Liz Faublas. Currents News airs Monday through Friday at 7:00 p.m. ET on NET-TV (