Currents News Staff
Obligated to celebrate Mass behind closed doors, the pope decided to live-stream it so everyone, not just a few people, could participate. He offered the Mass for coronavirus victims.
“In these days, I will offer Mass for the sick because of this coronavirus epidemic, for doctors, nurses, volunteers, who help so much, for family members,” said Pope Francis
A few people were present to help him during the Mass. During the homily, he reflected on confession and on the need for humility to approach the sacrament of reconciliation.
“Going to confession is not simply telling the priest a list (of sins): “I did this, this, this, this.” Then I leave. No, it’s not this. A step, another step, is needed. This is confessing our own misery, but from the heart. In other words, may that list of bad things come from the heart,” said Pope Francis.
The Vatican announced that Mass will be celebrated in this way for upcoming days.