Meet Joe Petraro, an extraordinary 11-year-old from Long Island. Unlike his peers who are heading to middle school, Joe is embarking on a unique journey to college at Louisiana State University. His unwavering faith has been a guiding light in his remarkable journey, showcasing the power of belief in achieving one’s dreams.
Explore the cosmos through the eyes of fourth graders from Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Academy in Brooklyn. These young authors and illustrators have just published their book, Our Galaxy System, and it’s a stellar achievement you won’t want to miss.
A significant development in New York’s abortion debate: Manhattan’s Planned Parenthood, the only clinic in the state offering abortions after 20 weeks, is no longer performing the procedure past that time frame. Learn more about this significant change and the closures of other clinics in the state.
Students and teachers from Cathedral High School in Indianapolis had the thrill of a lifetime, rallying behind their alum, Cole Hocker, as he competed in the 2024 Olympics.