Catholic Headlines for Saturday, 5/16/20 (Currents News full broadcast)

Tags: Currents Brooklyn, NY, Catholic Education, Entertainment, Faith, Family, Inspiration, Media, Pope Francis, Queens, NY, World News

Currents News reports secular and religious news from the Catholic perspective.

Some of the top stories on this newscast:

When his brother’s heart suddenly stopped beating, a Boy Scout stepped in with his scout skills to save his sibling’s life.


Patients in New York hospitals must now test negative for COVID-19 before being discharged to nursing homes, but one grieving woman says the governor’s new mandate comes too late. 


Tens of thousands are watching livestreamed Masses during the pandemic, but will they return to the pews once church doors are open again? 


Researchers are hard at work working to find a COVID-19 vaccine, but the process has given way to an ethical issue for Catholics.


Dying of the coronavirus, an 84-year old man’s last words to his family left them in awe, but filled with hope.