By Emily Drooby
In 1985, Denise Shetty found out she was pregnant when she was also taking medication for Graves Disease.
“My endocrinologist, when he confirmed I was pregnant said, well, you probably should terminate this pregnancy. I was just blindly pro-life and I said no,” she said.
Doctors told her show could die, but Shetty took a chance and gave birth to a healthy daughter
“She got married and she has three beautiful babies and so I have three beautiful grandchildren and if I had aborted her, this story never would have happened,” she said.
Together they attended the 46th annual March For Life.
“Just really grateful because even though stuff could have turned out really bad, she loved me enough to give me life,” said Erin Sweet.
They are joining hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers gathered at the National Mall to fight for life.
Vice President Mike Pence spoke before the crowd, saying “we’re the Pences and we’re pro-life.”
And for the second year in a row, President Donald Trump.
“I will always defend the first amendment in our Declaration of Independence, the right for life. Today I signed a letter to congress to make clear that if they send any legislation to my desk that weakens the protection of human life, I will issue a veto,” said Trump.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issuing a statement following the President’s comments. Writing…
“We are deeply grateful for the President’s pro-life commitment, and for all the actions this administration has taken to protect unborn children and their mothers from the violence of abortion. We look forward to working with Congress and the Administration to advance policies that value human life and dignity from conception to natural death.”
The march was buzzing with pro-life activists from all over the country all with one goal in mind.
“You just have to stand up for what’s right and I believe it’s right,” said Anthony Venditti.
This year’s march theme, ‘Unique From Day One’, is the idea that pro-life is pro-science and that life begins at fertilization.
“We are all studying some sort of science or STEM and it’s so important to know that they’re not two separate things, they’re one in the same and it’s so important to know that science actually backs up what we believe in, that pro-life is pro fetus and pro child,” said Anthony Venditti.
The march, marks the anniversary of Supreme Court decisions in both Roe V Wade and Doe V Bolton. Both legalized abortion throughout a woman’s pregnancy.
“Abortion is just such a horrible, horrible thing. Women deserve so much better, children deserve better,” said Bridget Howard.