1,000 Nuns on a Mission With $1,000: How Catholic Extension Is Impacting Communities Across the Country During the Pandemic

Tags: Currents Brooklyn, NY, Catholic, Catholic Extension, Coronavirus, Crux, Currents, Currents News, Faith, Family, Inspiration, Media, Nun, Pope Francis, Queens, NY, World News

Currents News Staff

This holiday season will be different for all of us. It will be really difficult for some who have lost loved ones, their health or their jobs during this pandemic.

But thanks to the papal society Catholic Extension, it’s putting $1,000 in the hands of a thousand nuns, so that they can help those who are most in need.

The Vice President of Mission at Catholic Extension, Joe Boland, joins Currents News to share the goods news about the “Sisters on the Frontlines” initiative.

If you’d like to donate to the Sisters On The Frontlines, head to catholicextension.org, where information on how to give is available on their homepage.