Stay Hungry, but stay Humble!
Welcome to day number 25 of Passion, Power and Purpose! Here is today’s full reading. Do you know anyone with an ego problem or perhaps someone who is prideful? Are you that person?
God wants to revive, heal, change and transform your life and the life of the people you love, but if your ego or pride get in the way that may not happen.
Let’s surrender fully into God’s hands and to release us from the chains of pride. Prideful people can be difficult people to approach, talk and even to love. Don’t stop loving them! Don’t stop approaching them! Don’t stop talking to them! Love them and allow that love to melt away the yoke that silently is choking them.
Loving prideful people is easier when we first love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. You are in my prayers! Pride will not win! Believe it! #LentatNet