Currents News Staff
The Alabama Senate has passed House Bill 314, the most restrictive abortion bill in the country.
If the state’s Governor Kay Ivey signs it into law, the Alabama Human Life Protection Act would make performing an abortion a class a felony with a maximum prison sentence of 99 years.
“A life is a life. Even if its origins are in very difficult situations, that life is still precious,” said Senator Clyde Chambliss of Alabama’s 30th District.
The bill allows exceptions for deadly fetal abnormalities and the health of the pregnant woman. Senators rejected an amendment making exceptions for rape and incest.
“Keeping that bill as simple and as focused on the message, to me, was our goal,” said 8th District Representative Terri Collins.
Some supporters of this bill are focused on overturning Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court case that legalized abortion.
“I think this bill has too many flaws in it, and maybe it is the best thing that it goes up there and it doesn’t get affirmed, and Roe vs. Wade will still be the law of the land,” said State Senator Bobby Singleton, of Alabama’s 24th District.
Critics say this law infringes upon women’s freedom, and in some cases, health.
The Governor has six days to sign the bill.
A spokeswoman said Ivey would not comment until she reviews it. If she signs the bill, it would go into effect in six months.
Staci Fox, the President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Southeast says the organization will be going to court to “ensure abortion remains safe and legal.”