Currents News Staff
The tour started at the Paso Del Norte Bridge, where the group saw first-hand the governments presence and the location where hundreds begin the process of seeking asylum.
They then took a bus to the Tornillo port of entry, where they held a vigil for the immigrant children being held at a detention center.
Rabbi Josh Whinston came all the way from Ann Arbor, Michigan.
He spoke about the Jewish community’s involvement in this issue following the recent shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh.
The group then tried to get to the detention center, but a homeland security officer gave them a warning.
The group also consisted of other religious leaders from the borderland, including Father Tom Smith from Holy Cross Church in Mesilla Park, New Mexico.
Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said Thursday that the number of U.S. troops at the border has “peaked” at 59-hundred. He said that number is not expected to increase.