Bensonhurst Non-Profit Continues to Feed Community Despite Lack of Funding

Tags: Currents Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY, Food, Food Bank, Queens, NY, Thanksgiving

By Katie Vasquez

Offering the Thanksgiving bird and all the fixings to needy families is an annual tradition for Reaching Out Community Services.

It’s why people lined up outside the new location on 18th Avenue in Brooklyn, New York hours before the event started, hoping to get a feast for their family. That feast is something that those like single mom Ofeliya Amirova know they couldn’t afford otherwise. 

“If I were to go to the store right now, it would be more than $100 easy,”Amirova, a client at Reaching Out Community Services., tells Currents News.

But the Brooklynite was worried when she heard the non-profit was struggling to keep its doors open. 

“I was worrying myself because how are we gonna have the staples,” she asks.

Due to a lack of funding, Reaching Out Community Service had to reduce staff and the amount of families they help every year.

It also impacted this year’s Operation Gobbler Giving. 

 “It’s not going to be as many. We usually have 800 families, maybe about 300 families we’ll take care of,” Founder and Executive Director of Reaching Out Community Services, Thomas Neve, explains. 

He says 2024 has been especially difficult. 

 “I’ve never seen it like this before,” he admits. “You know, people have really gone through hard times. I know everybody wants out there, but I’m not interested in that. I’m interested in those who need.” 

Those waiting in line who have so little say they appreciate the help and that Reaching Out Community Service can give so much.

“It’s sad because they’re good people, and they’ve always been helping people for a lot of years,” says Desree Velez, a client at Reaching Out Community Services. 

“There’s a lot of homeless people, a lot of people in need. A lot of places are closing down,” Camille Allen, another client adds.

The non-profit is taking it day by day.

“I’m going to just walk by faith because right now I have no idea,” Neve tells Currents News, knowing that every holiday meal they provide, brings people closer to the true spirit of the season.  

“This is the highlight of our Thanksgiving,” Amirova says, “because, my daughter’s expecting a nice turkey for us to make, and we make memories.”