St. Clare Catholic Academy Teacher Goes Above and Beyond with Solar System Classroom Theme

Tags: Currents Brooklyn, NY, Catholic Education, Faith, Inspiration, Media, Queens, NY

By Jessica Easthope

A lot of teachers go above and beyond for their students.

In second grade at St. Clare Catholic Academy in Rosedale, Queens, Loren Whitley takes it to a new level.

“You’ll see there are different tables, I have a sun table, a moon table, the stars and the constellations,” Whitley said. “So they learn different parts of their universe and they understand how dynamic they are as individuals in the universe, but also how they have to be a part of something so much greater.”

From the outside looking in, her solar system themed classroom is a fun and colorful environment, but after a little space exploration, Whitley will tell you it serves a bigger purpose.

“I find that for visual learners, making sure that I have the resources that mirrors the work and content in their textbooks, it’s easier for them to recall their information,” Whitley said. “So the classroom decorations help inspire their inquisitive nature.”

As a veteran teacher she knows that where kids learn is just as important as how they learn, and that with an inviting and exciting classroom they’ll gravitate toward the material at hand.

“Children learn best when they’re happy and comfortable when they know, like, I’m going to be accepted in this room,” Whitley said.

Whitley connects everything to Christ.

“God is truly in everything we do,” Whitley said. “Science connects to the solar system, connects to matter, connects to Jesus’ divinity.”

As she helps her students find their place in the universe she’s already in her own.