By Jessica Easthope
They shed tears of joy, received words of support, and finally answered a call that had burned inside of them. For the Diocese of Brooklyn’s four newly ordained, this is the beginning of the rest of their lives.
“Ever since I went to the first ordination seven years ago, I always dreamed that one day it’s going to be my ordination day, and now that day has come,” said Father Luis Marquez.
“I feel that though my paths were not straight, that’s what the Lord was using to form my conscience,” said Father Toby Offiah.
On Saturday, hundreds filled the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, to watch Caetano Moura de Oliveira, Luis Marquez, Randy Nguyen, and Toby Offiah fulfill a lifelong dream.
Bishop Robert Brennan says God has called each of them uniquely.
“Everybody has a different story; for some, it was always there, and for some, it developed over time, and for some, it came as a surprise even later on; that’s the amazing thing about the Lord; he calls us, in His own way and in His own time,” said Bishop Brennan.
Ordination day is packed with tradition. One by one, the priests of the Diocese of Brooklyn laid their hands on the heads of the newly ordained, extending the sign of peace. These men are now welcomed into the priesthood by their brothers, an extension of their communities here and around the world.
“They do bring a diversity of culture, but these are men of Brooklyn and Queens, so they are very much part of this local church,” Bishop Brennan said.
“I’m a great sinner; I’m a very weak, normal person,” said Father Caetano Moura de Oliveira. I’m only here because he loves me.”