By Katie Vasquez
Dozens from the Diocese of Brooklyn took center stage on Fifth Avenue on Monday Oct. 9, offering culture to the crowds and waving Italian flags in honor of Columbus day.
It was a thrilling opportunity for the students who were all aboard.
“I’m proud that I’m able to be in this parade and be able to be a part of this Catholic faith and Italian community,” Giada Bruno a student at St Bernard Catholic Academy said.
“It makes me feel really good having to be a part of this parade because it shows how proud I am,” Ariana magnavito a student at St. Bernard Catholic Academy said.
The explorer was not the only Italian honored. a statue of Mother Frances Cabrini, a religious sister who cared for immigrants in New York City, also made her way down Fifth Avenue.
“It’s an opportunity for us to all come together regardless if you’re Italian, regardless of your background just to come together in faith and just to walk throughout this parade,” Craig Tubiolo, Executive Director of the Emmaus Center said. “It’s just such an amazing experience. And to be together and to celebrate our faith.”
Before the parade, Bishop Robert Brennan celebrated Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral with people praying in Italian and English, a testament to the city of immigrants.
“It’s a reminder to me for us as a catholic church, that indeed we are a city of immigrants,” Bishop Brennan said. “We celebrate our diverse city of culture but at the same time our unity in faith.”
The parade isn’t just all about fun. It will also help put children through school.
So far $36 million have been awarded to young scholars who need it.