Sounding Off on Guns

Sounding Off on Guns

December 4, 2015

The day after the San Bernardino shooting, the headline on the front page of the Daily News: “God Isn’t Fixing This.”  Currents […]

Trump’s Appeal

Trump’s Appeal

December 1, 2015

Following Republican Presidential front runner Donald Trump’s meeting with African-American Evangelical pastors and Christian leaders, Currents correspondent Michelle Powers spoke with Father […]

Pope Francis in Uganda, Day 2

Pope Francis in Uganda, Day 2

November 28, 2015

Christopher Lamb, DeSales Media’s special correspondent for Pope Francis’s trip to Africa, reports on Francis’s time in Uganda.

Pope Francis Visits House of Charity

Pope Francis Visits House of Charity

November 28, 2015

Pope Francis visited the poor, sick and disabled at the House of Charity in Nalukolongo, Uganda on Saturday.  Christopher Lamb, DeSales Media’s […]

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