ISIS Brutality: How to Respond?

ISIS Brutality: How to Respond?

February 4, 2015

After ISIS released a video showing a Jordanian pilot being burned alive, Currents correspondent Michelle Powers spoke with Michael La Civita of […]

The Year that was 2014

The Year that was 2014

December 30, 2014

Currents anchor Liz Faublas speaks with Brooklyn Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio about the top stories of 2014.

Francis’s Turkey Trip Seen as a Success

Francis’s Turkey Trip Seen as a Success

December 3, 2014

Days after Pope Francis concluded his trip to Turkey, during which he met with the leader of Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew, Currents correspondent […]

Greater Persecution, Greater Need

Greater Persecution, Greater Need

November 20, 2014

“What we have is a crisis of almost biblical proportions.”  That’s what Catholic Near East Welfare Association Chief Communications Director Michael La […]

Bringing Christ to the Neighborhood

Bringing Christ to the Neighborhood

October 27, 2014

Currents correspondent Michelle Powers reports on a joint effort on the part of three Brooklyn Heights churches to pray for peace in […]

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