March for Life 2017

March for Life 2017

January 30, 2017

Pope Francis is saluting the vast number of pilgrims marching for life in Washington. The Holy Father sending along his blessing and […]

Nazareth HS is “zSPACE” to be

Nazareth HS is “zSPACE” to be

January 23, 2017

Catholic schools in Brooklyn and Queens are doing amazing things. Tonight, our Michelle Powers has a report from Nazareth High School in […]

Young Mother Chooses Life

Young Mother Chooses Life

January 20, 2017

The eyes of the world are upon Washington today as the Trump Era begins. One week from now – next Friday – […]

Filipino Immigrant Helps Others in Need

Filipino Immigrant Helps Others in Need

January 17, 2017

A couple from the Philippines island of Mindanao travels to Queens because America is “a nation of greener pastures… and endless possibilities.” […]

Bread of Kings for Kings County

Bread of Kings for Kings County

January 5, 2017

Michelle Powers helped bake Rosca de Reyes, a special ring-shaped loaf whose name means “bread of kings.” The bread is central to […]

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