Fulton Sheen Sainthood Cause Suspended

Fulton Sheen Sainthood Cause Suspended

September 4, 2014

Currents correspondent Katie Breidenbach reports on the latest controversy in the cause of beloved priest and media personality, the late Archbishop Fulton […]

John Paul II Relic Arrives in NYC

John Paul II Relic Arrives in NYC

July 14, 2014

Katie Breidenbach reports from St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan, a tour stop of a relic of Saint John Paul II – a […]

Mexico Ever Faithful

Mexico Ever Faithful

June 6, 2014

Mexico Ever Faithful illustrates the history of the Catholic Church in Mexico. This documentary focuses on key moments of the church, including […]

Vivimos Para Esa Noche

Vivimos Para Esa Noche

May 9, 2014

Tu Fe Al Día narra la historia del Beato Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, conocido como el Beato Charlie, el laico más famoso de […]

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