

May 21, 2014

What is a pilgrimage? A pilgrimage is a journey, usually undertaken to show devotion to one’s faith. This episode of Active Catholics […]

Closer to Unity?

Closer to Unity?

May 20, 2014

Pope Francis is preparing his trip to the Holy Land, which will include the Holy Father meeting with Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew.  That’s […]

Powerful 9/11 Memories for NYPD Chaplains

Powerful 9/11 Memories for NYPD Chaplains

May 20, 2014

The National September 11 Memorial and Museum is officially opening.  Monsignors Robert Romano and David Cassato visited the hallowed space, and sat […]

Delivering Blessings in a Backpack

Delivering Blessings in a Backpack

May 16, 2014

Pope Francis laments what he describes as a throwaway culture that ignores the plight of the poor. Currents correspondent Michelle Powers caught […]

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